my hen duck "Popcorn" is sitting on non-fertile eggs.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 12, 2014
Hello everyone I need some advise. My pekin hen is sitting on six non-fertile eggs, I know they are because we do not have any drakes. She has lined her nest with feathers and turns the eggs daily she sits so gently and she is not eating as much. I feel so bad for her. should I continue to let her sit. I heard ducks can get depressed. Please advise what I should do.
I would be concerned with the eggs getting rotten because they are not fertile which can turn into a mess, Are you concerned with her getting depressed bc she's the only duck or? Maybe you can discourage her from sittingby taking her eggs away.

Thank you so much for your reply Mrs. H. I have five hens but right now only popcorn is laying. I am afraid she will get depressed if I take her eggs away or if they just don't hatch. I'm a sucker for a sweet duck. She would be such a great momma duck. I just really don't want any little ones right now with winter and all. I guess I should take her eggs. When I took them a week ago she ran in and looked for them then sat on her nest. I'm just worred about her.
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They do often seem confused and a little upset after you take their eggs, but it's really for the best in this situation. She will get over it and stop sitting on the empty nest, usually within a day. It will also help if you break up her nest or remove it completely. It's not worth the stress on her body to incubate infertile eggs. They don't eat much and lose ALOT of weight while incubating, which is completely unnecessary for her. So, you are doing the right thing for her by removing them. I promise! :)
Thank you so much for the advise Orca5094 I really do appreciate the help. Have a great day!!

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