my hens are getting "bare backed" and they have slowed in egg production.....also the shells of the


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 13, 2013
my egg production has gone down to almost hens are "bare backed" and I don''t know how too get back on track...please help
my egg production has gone down to almost hens are "bare backed" and I don''t know how too get back on track...please help
First of all do you have a rooster? He is over mating them if so and how many hens does he have? Have you checked them for mites/lice? Mites and lice cause a decrease in egg production and feather loss. If they don't have any mice of lice and is is mating damage, you need to help them grow their feathers back. Chicken saddles are a option, also more hens is a option and they will need a higher protein feed such as Growers Pellets (but it lacks calcium so they would need a supply of grit/oystershells) and you can also give them scrambled egg as a treat daily as it is high in protein.
First of all do you have a rooster? He is over mating them if so and how many hens does he have? Have you checked them for mites/lice? Mites and lice cause a decrease in egg production and feather loss. If they don't have any mice of lice and is is mating damage, you need to help them grow their feathers back. Chicken saddles are a option, also more hens is a option and they will need a higher protein feed such as Growers Pellets (but it lacks calcium so they would need a supply of grit/oystershells) and you can also give them scrambled egg as a treat daily as it is high in protein.
Help have same problem here (well not with the eggs issue just found 16 in the bushes so its Easter egg hunting every day here)....We have all Jersey Giants although the 8 hatchery hens are def smaller than the breedersline birds (2hens left and the Roo) ... the girls are barebaked (except the biggest Hen his fullblooded sister who is almost as big as he is-- I dont think he tries to hop on her)-- so that leaves 9 hens for my roo, one has been broody for the last month and is raising chicks, so I guess that is 8 hens left--

How many hens should you have for a Roo? I heard it was 10 and I have 10 but they are barebacked (although I guess its actually 8 hens that he is mating not 10) ? We feed gamebird starter its very high protein and oystershell on the side (I heard that the JG's grow thru their second year and these birds turned 1 in June/July).. they also free range for most of the day so dont rely strictly on their feeders.....
Would rather not go the route of hen saddles, and do not see any lice or mites and some of the hens have scratches and are bleeding....(They are docile and dont peck each other though)...

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