my hens sneezing and snotty


9 Years
Aug 8, 2010
can anyone help me im bringing them to the vet in morning but just curious on what wrong with them i have 2 hens about 20 weeks old now and they have stopped laying i i think this might be just because its their first time laying 1 laid 2 eggs in a row and stopped that was 2 weeks ago and the 2nd laid 6 eggs and stopped but i seen them sneezing today and their beaks were full of snot sorry discharge it was kinda greeny am just wondering if they have a cold hopefully not flu they are outside with all the younger chicks which are about 8 weeks now do i need to get them all treated or just the older 2 oh their both rir if this helps anything
It sounds like a bad respitory infection. Here are some thoughts.

MG infection: Watery swollen eye, often bubbles in the cornor of lid, watery to snotty discharge, wheezing, crackling in lungs, loss of weight, unthrifty appearance.

Coryza- Rank smell about the face, often Swollen eye that leads to a pussy eye, snotty nose, open mouth breathing, wheezing & crackles, loss of weight, unthrifty apperance.

there are others, but these two seem the most common.... Both can spread very easily and do have a carrier state in which affected birds may remain carriers, but it depends. Treat all birds that have been handled after touching affected birds and disinfect all pens.
hi chicken zoo i just wanted to say thank you for the reply i just wanted to update i brought my 2 hens to the vet and just as you said they have resp infection she gave me antibiotiks and told me to that i didn need quarantine just to treat all chicks together and sure enough they are a lot better in just 24 hours and their tails are back up again so heres hopin the antibiotic she gave me is baytril i only have to give them 0.1ml daily each and mix it with 0.9 ml water but i only have to do 48 hrs of antibiotic but anyway im sorry for the waffle i just wanted to say thank you

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