My "Hens" Started Crowing! Please help!


6 Years
Jun 30, 2013
Over the past few weeks, we've noticed some crowing in the wee hours of the morning. However, we can't locate the culprit, but we *might* have it narrowed down to one of two. I have two black "hens" that are supposed to be the same breed and age, but they have different comb and wattle development. Are they both Roos or just one of them? We know at least one of them has more aggressive behavior, but because they are far away when we notice the behavior, it's hard to tell which is which! :) They are about 16 - 17 weeks.

Hen "A"... (notice her wattles and comb)

Side by side... Hen A is on the left and Hen B is on the right

Hen B. Hen A is in upper corner.

Hen B... notice her wattles and comb compared to Hen A

Hen B

Hen B

Might want to change that from hen to rooster both a&b look like roos to me the tail feathers the hackle the thick legs the comb/wattles the saddle feathers and the fact that you have heard crowing and the upright stance all scream rooster to me
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Not sure on the breed. We got 6 of them from Tractor Supply. These are the two that seem slightly more aggressive and shake their feathers when you are nearby. The other four seem to have more hen qualities, which is why I didn't post their pictures. I suppose the crowing could have come from any of the 6... but these two seem more likely because of their combs/wattles/feathers.
Wow! Really?! Are you sure?! BOTH of them?! I guess we didn't get too lucky with our picks. 2 out of our 6 are roosters?! And you may be right on the breed. I just looked in our book and I did have down Plymouth Rocks x 2.
Ya, both the dark ones look like roos. Between the comb, wattles, tail & hackle feathers looks like you got unlucky with your picks this time. What other breeds did you get? Red Sex links of some sort and?

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