My homemade quail brooder...input welcome


8 Years
Feb 2, 2011
New Market, Al
The beginning of the brooder project....please check back for progress.

35 1/2" x 35 1/2" salvaged pallet $0

10" wide salvaged OSB $0

So far I have 15 minutes invested in this little project.
I will be posting updates as it progresses, input is welcome.
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In my opinion, it is not tall enough. Quail, even the itty bitty ones are jumpers and they are too quick to catch at times. The other concern at this height is your heat source. Most of us use light bulbs and at that height the heat source is gonna have to rest on the wire top and will be tooo close to the birds. At that height also, the heat will be too concentrated on one area and the surrounding area will be chilled.
How are you going to cover the top to keep the heat in?
Is the box gonna sit on the floor? Mine are at table height.

I take my quail from the incubator and put in a small tote-a tall one. I have 2 tote lids and hang a light bulb and a sheild from the middle and pull the lids shut with some cracks. 25 quail are OK this way for a few days and then move to a big tall tote and do the same as above---opening the top more every day covered with a window screen. Then I move to a wire cage covered with plastic and then I move to the barn-all the time the light goes with them.

The hatch for Dec. I hatched 33 quail and that is a crowd in my above containers-I will just have to make an extra move.

You will fugure it out by trial and error, we all have. Hope the above makes sense.
You need to make a top for it or you will have babies everywhere. Id just use an old window screen if you have one laying around. Otherwise its a good size for 25 or so
I am sorry my original post wasnt clear enough, this is the beginning of my brooder. It will be 1 1/2 to 2 ft tall with the top panels in 1/2" hardware cloth and a lid that is hinged in the middle of hardware cloth. I am using this thread to post pictures as it progresses. I appreciate the input and will incorporate your advice. PLEASE continue to follow my progress...this is my first venture into quail.
Almost done!!!

I am not sure how long the guys worked on it...i was out sick for two days.
Today at lunch I finished stapling in the hardware cloth.

Here are the latest two time you see this puppy, it'll have babies in it and a brooder lamp hanging above it!!


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