My husband thinks I got eggless chickens!

Funny story - same subject -
Every Morning, first thing after kissing my DH,
I check on the birds. Shocked I saw an egg in the cage from the 2nd story balcony!
I ran downstairs and out to the coup..
..and found
chicken egg! I have 8 week old Ameraucanna chickens. #1) they should not be laying yet. #2) they should lay blueish eggs. DH was watching from the balcony, cheering:celebrate This egg was red.
It was also hard boilded
I had given my chicks leftover Greek Easter bread which has a red egg baked into it and they didn't know how to break it up and eat it:he DUH!
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My husband thought the chickens would never lay an egg and they were a huge waste of time.....then they started laying and you would think the chicken thing was his idea and he is always selling my eggs at work. He swipes a dozen and doesn't even tell me unless I ask.....Uh honey? Where are all the eggs? People at his work say he talks about the chickens all of the time and how he can't wait till the newest ones start laying eggs.....yup yup yup he is a convert chicken addict

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