My Ivy.. Latest Relapse...She's Gone

Speckledhen what hatchery did you buy the sickly birds from? If one of their offspring has the same problem then it must be genetic, call the hatchery, mabye you could get a refund, or at least get them to correct their breeding.
I got all my originals from the feed store, that gets their stock from one very large hatchery. Yes, it's genetic/hormonal and high production types bred strictly for egg production are most prone to it. I bet most hatcheries would have the same issues. I do have three other hens from the same hatchery, my two Brahmas, who are also three and a half years old, and one banty Cochin, who is two and a half, and they haven't had this problem so far. My banty is extra small and has had a prolapse and has been eggbound, but no internal laying issues. However, Brahmas and Cochins are not considered high production types, so maybe that is why they have been spared this awful illness.

I wouldn't call these hens sickly, per se. They were very healthy birds up until their reproductive system malfunctioned. Also, if Ivy had not been a very healthy girl, overall, she wouldn't have been able to fight this long. Personally, I don't think the hatchery wants to correct these issues. If most common hatchery stock dies just about two years old, then they get more business, right?
I got all my originals from the feed store, that gets their stock from one very large hatchery. Yes, it's genetic/hormonal and high production types bred strictly for egg production are most prone to it. I bet most hatcheries would have the same issues. I do have three other hens from the same hatchery, my two Brahmas, who are also three and a half years old, and one banty Cochin, who is two and a half, and they haven't had this problem so far. My banty is extra small and has had a prolapse and has been eggbound, but no internal laying issues. However, Brahmas and Cochins are not considered high production types, so maybe that is why they have been spared this awful illness.

I wouldn't call these hens sickly, per se. They were very healthy birds up until their reproductive system malfunctioned. Also, if Ivy had not been a very healthy girl, overall, she wouldn't have been able to fight this long. Personally, I don't think the hatchery wants to correct these issues. If most common hatchery stock dies just about two years old, then they get more business, right?

I hate to say it but I agree... money is the root of aaaall evils.
Nope, money is not the root of all evil; the love of money is.
Still, a business is in business to make money. Nothing wrong in that. I just wish they'd pay some attention to longevity in their stock, but many customers don't care. They just want their egg a day from each hen and if the hen dies at two or three years old, they go out and get more.

Beth, I hope Olivia passes as quietly as Ivy did, but yes, I'm concerned about Lexie.
If Lexie took over as head hen, it may be easier, as she will feel it her duty to be with Olivia, and it may actually help her think about something other than Ivy- does she get along well with the Brahma girls? And does she ever visit Zane? If she needs a distraction, I can send over Ivan the Terrible. He'll give her something to think about, little stinker.
Lexie may or may not want the head hen position. She isn't in the main flock any longer, but in the Old Hen's Home. She has Reba, Sunny, Olivia, Tux (Olivia's sis), banty Cochin Shadow, and Nugget with her "son" Roosevelt. Nugget is not elderly, but she is so mild mannered, she gets picked on so is better with the older ladies. Naturally, Roosevelt needs to get out of there. I don't want my old ladies hassled by a young upstart roo-boy. The Brahmas are in the main flock with Isaac, but I may put them in the coop with Lexie soon.

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