My Kitty Died..............

Oh I'm sorry too! It is so hard to lose them. We're treasuring each day we have with our oldest cat Comet now- 16 1/2 yrs old and he's lost alot of weight this past year, battled a tooth/jaw infection, and may be suffering from Diabetes now. He's such a love, and I hate to think of when he's gone. We lost our 9 yr old Himalayan mix Molly in July, 10 min after getting her 1st Frontline treatment for fleas. (We had the worst case of fleas we've ever had this past summer. ) It was so traumatic, the stuff was squirt on her back and 10 min later she was gasping for breath, bleeding from whatever she gagged up/coughed up, and died within minutes. It is still so hard to believe she's gone... Adopting other animals who need loving homes does help, but we still miss her (and others who have lived out their lives.) Carry on friend, and when you can, get another little kitty to love.
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jdyson ~ I'm sorry you lost two so close together, yes, it is very hard I've gone thru it before, but it never gets any easier,

and my Samantha was special to me

she picked me at the pet store 18 1/2 yrs ago. so we have had a Long history together.

It was so cute she kept poking me with her paw, I was looking for a Calico, because I had already had a black and white

cat, I saw her but didn't think I wanted a black and white cat, but she changed my mind for me real quick!

she was such a lover! always purring, always wanting to be with me, loving to be brushed, petted, etc.

even when she had to take medicine for her hyperthyroid she was well behaved and took it without a problem.

So I will always miss her.
chickenlisa ~ Thank you, Oh how terrible! I'm sorry you lost your cat so sudden.

That always makes me nervous when one of my cats starts loosing weight, I'm sorry your comet (Cute Name) is loosing

weight, and 16 1/2 that is up there in age.

Seems like they always start having troubles around 12 yrs old for me anyways.

I have one now that is 10 years old. I just hope she lives for quite awhile without any problems.

It's such a shame that they are only with us such a short time, They love so unconditionally, and I always fall

head over heals for them, and it really hurts when they die or have to be put to sleep.
I'm so sorry you lost your cat. I hope you don't feel so sad, but it is good to miss an animal. This is how you know they meant something to you.
Chickenfan4life ~ Thank you, I do miss her but I have gone thru it before, as I have had several pets thru my life that have passed of old age.

it never gets any easier either no matter how many times you go thru it. Time and my other two cats will heal my broken heart.
I have one more old one left and about 9 young adults to go. My old one is 14 this year and the youngest is about 7-8 months old. Its never easy to deal with for sure.

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