My Lab is a Picky Eater


8 Years
Feb 23, 2015
Northeastern Ontario
Every Monday when my son returns to school and my husband back to work my lab refuses to eat. He really likes the new Salmon-Potato food I got him. He's been on it for over a month now. Seems whenever his routine is changed, he won't eat. I ignore and don't push him to eat. I figure he will eat when he's hungry; but he's looking for his treats too! Is this 3 year old Lab of mine playing me?
Sounds like separation anxiety - when someone leaves he doesn't eat. Maybe you should change his feeding time to when they come back home. I wouldn't offer treats. I'd let him have his salmon and potato stuff.
Thank you Diva. I never thought of that, thought it was just me he got separation anxiety from. Interestingly enough he will eat just before my husband gets home. I don't give him any treats until he's eaten. I don't want him thinking they're a meal replacement, which I'm sure he wouldn't mind! lol!
It does sound like separation anxiety, at least he eats in the evening. Can you just leave the food out for him to eat whenever he wants?

Dogs can tell time - not sure how, but they can. It doesn't surprise me at all that he eats right before hubby gets home, anxiety is gone because owner will be home soon.

We have been here since the beginning of September and my dog has learned when the school bus is coming. Maybe he hears it up the road or something, but even if he is in the house he has to go outside. The funny thing is - we don't have kids! He waits at the corner of the yard as the bus turns the corner, then runs alongside as it drives past. He looks like he is trying to look in the windows, doesn't bark or anything. Then he stands in the far corner and wags as it drives down the road.
Tail wagging fun I guess.

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