My Malsian Serama Rooster


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 6, 2008

I just love the Seramas. They are the smallest chicken in the world. They are very comical and friendly bird. I have 5 other Serama roosters that I will post later. Isn,t he hansome?
Are almost too friendly if thats possible am on my way to store and am buying grapes, my 2 pullets are crazy about them and every time I enter the bird room they are talking about wanting some. Seem so disappointed. when the treat is not a grape!

Your boy is darling cant wait to see others.
Thanks! MMMM Grapes? I'll have to try them on my Little guys!
Ms. Lewis Rich :

Are almost too friendly if thats possible am on my way to store and am buying grapes, my 2 pullets are crazy about them and every time I enter the bird room they are talking about wanting some. Seem so disappointed. when the treat is not a grape!

Your boy is darling cant wait to see others.​
He's Gorgeous! Would LOVE a Serama-- my OE's are so small already, not a lot bigger than a Robin... just how little are Serama's?

I understand about "almost too friendly"...I have 2 VERY spoiled Roo's..."Rip" who is my OE Banty INSISTS on flying onto my head or shoulder, and gets VERY upset if I don't pet and talk to him...and "Elvis" our Black Silkie follows me everywhere and does a courtship dance all the time....

And grapes are a definite goodie! I get mine off the "day-old" shelf for 1/2 price every week-- along with spinach, berries etc.... ask your market about "loose" and older produce..many just toss it out, and will let you get it for a bargain!

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