My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 2, 2008
South Yorkshire, England

I have two ADORABLE little babies! They came 2 and 3 days late, and I had to break them out as they both got stuck fast, despite all conditions in the incubator being optimum.

I had to keep misting the eggs with aired water....which helped a little but wasn't enough. Then I dampened the membranes which had dried around their heads and gently peeled it away. Number 3 needed to be broken entirely out of it's shell.....piece by piece.....he was what we call "shrunk wrapped" and I honestly thought it was a gonner. Number 1 needed less help-just a little shell breaking from it's face so I could wipe the dried membrane and he finished the job off himself.

They were very feeble and weak at first, and it took them ages to come round. Each minute they astounded me though! they've improved and improved and are now 2 day old balls of fluff!

It was worth every second of angst and staying up all night to help the hatch.

I know a lot of you don't agree with assisting hatches, but it really was a last resort for these 2 and it saved their lives. I'm so proud.

They are my first succesful hatch!

They are little buggers.....lots of toe pecking and wing pulling going on....they are already trying to establish a pecking order! It keeps changing for now!

They are all the more miraculous when you consider that the eggs were the first two eggs ever laid by my little Hen Bonny. To think we were going to eat them!

Love them to pieces. Thank you all for your help!

I'll put pictures up when I've figured out how to do it! (Doh!)

They are miniature Ginger Oxford Game, which is a quite rare British breed. Now I've got the hang of this picture lark I'll put some up of their parents so you can see how they'll turn out!

Rusty our Cockerel in my kitchen!


Bonny the Hen in our laundry room about to join him!

Minutes later I had four of them making themselves at home in the living room! This was funny until Rusty flew into my curtains with his filthy feet and Eggletina did the inevitable on my settee. Back out they went!
They are gorgeous!!!!! I love them!!!!!

My two chickens are mixed breeds. The rooster looks like he fell out of a car and ridden over a few times.

My hen is a bit better looking than my rooster. She is black with red comb and wattles.

Well done for your happy family, and may you have many years of happiness.
Thank you so much! We seriously happy with them, and very proud! Non chicken lovers do not know what they are missing. My friends think I'm nuts but I get more sense out of my little flock than from any Human Being.

They have brought so much joy and are seriously spoiled rotten!

I like ugly chickens.....our other two hens are nowhere near as attractive as our little speckly Bonny, but are so comical and cute!

Rusty is just plain gorgeous and he knows it, but I guess all Cockerels (or Roosters as you guys call them!) think they're something!

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