My Mother's Day Babies, Roo Crowing, & Coop Addition {pics}


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
So Saturday, the day before Mother's day I desperately needed feed. My hubby said, ok lets run ti the feed store real quick. Sooo we got there and low & behold CHICKS! OMG I could have resisted BUT they had little frizzle babies AAAHHH!!! My DH told me a couple of days ago no more livestock... yikes I only have chickens c'mon... lol

Without even blinking I scoped up a little frizzle & buff orpington... As dh rolls his eyes,,, oooh I thought I was in big trouble

went immediately home and he cleared out a space in the garage and said Happy Mother's Day



Aren't they Soooooo cute!

Soo any who....
The other Day we were all sooo excited because we heard a little cockadoodle DOO! from the yard.. How fantastic! ming ming is a big boy now!
My leghorn roo sure is handsome.. We have also been noticing how UGLY one of our easter eggers, Princess has gotten, the bigger she grows. Princess, Go figure. Her sister Foofa is soo beautiful...
Here is foofa

here they are as babies...

Well I was outside today watering,,, and heard ming ming crowing... I looked up and.. hmm looked again as the crowing was coming from somewhere else.. hmmm,,,,

And out jumps princess.. the ugly chicken... er uhhhh ROOSTER crowing his little heart out...
I started laughing so hard!!! I assumed he was a girl when the feed store told us she would lay beautiful green eggs... lol... So now princess the Rooster needs a new name... Any suggestions?

ming ming {leghorn roo} and :princess: to his left

boy I thought he was the ugliest chicken EVER! lol

And I wondered why these little guys kick the hens out of their coop every day... I have had only 3 eggs in 2 days from 4 hens who lay one egg a day..

Found those today too, in the chickies house

AND Last but not least... My coop addition is almost done...




Not quite done yet, but I have been busy busy!

Thanks for letting me share
MY mothers day & birthday guinnea's are laying already in their new home. only took them one day to adjust and get down to business :eek:}
Princess may not be pretty now but will be when he is all grown up I am sure. I'd like to see him all grown up. Sounds like you got a wonderful mother's day gift:D. I got a new coop for my silkies, best gift ever.
I hope you are planning on framing that second picture. GoodNight is that sooo flippity CUTE!!!!

Maybe you could call princess "Ducky" - as in the ugly duckling. NOT that I actually think he is ugly, just so ya know.
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