My Muscovy ducks are dying with no apparent symptoms

I'm very sorry @Joyful_shay . If you don't mind sharing, what happened?
She just hacked the new brood and they're about a week old but suddenly one morning last week;tuesday to be precise,I went to check on them and I noticed one of them dead,the same thing happened the next day until they all died and it remaining just one,just yesterday I just had to release both the mother and the last surviving duckling out in the yard;😔
She just hacked the new brood and they're about a week old but suddenly one morning last week;tuesday to be precise,I went to check on them and I noticed one of them dead,the same thing happened the next day until they all died and it remaining just one,just yesterday I just had to release both the mother and the last surviving duckling out in the yard;😔

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Did the mother ever show any aggression towards the ducklings?
I'm so sorry for your loss.

Did the mother ever show any aggression towards the ducklings?
No I didn't notice any aggressive behavior but recently after she had lost all the ducklings;she doesn't seem to trust me anymore...she's always running away whenever she sights me unlike before
Well firstly, i am terribly sorry to hear this. Multiple deaths always concern me, sadly a loss happens but if more than one does short of predators something has to be happening, now here lies in the trouble, what? From what i am gathering from you they are symptomless, do you have Storey's guide to ducks? he lists ailments in it, perhaps worth a skim.

I personally, have no suggestions, have you brought any new birds in as of late? being you were just inspected i sincerely doubt it's your care. My ducks are always in the mud and we keep other livestock which they are around too.

Sadly, your best bet is with this testing being done, i hope it provides you with some answers.
I am going through the same thing. Started with 4 hens and now a big healthy drink! Muscovie. No reason this should be happening but it is. In southern California.

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