My muscovy hens hidden nest, she has 16 eggs in it...


11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
Munfordville, KY
So happy we finally found it & I proved I wasnt goin crazy... I knew she had one! To see pics. check out my blog post... Hidden Duck Nest

So I noticed yesterday was the 1st day she was on it just about all day.... so does that mean today is day 1? Or do you think shes done layin yet? I'm so excited, hope we get some ducklings
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Yeah, I just wrote on my barn calender when she started staying on the nest most of all day. I wasn't sure and still am amazed watching her come off the nest, eat drink and take a bath every day! The chickens always act as though they have to hurry and get their food, water and dust bath and get back to the nest but Huggs just calmly covers the eggs and goes out to enjoy the sunshine. No hurry and no fuss. I sure wish I had gotten Muscovy much sooner!
And she enjoys the head rubs I give her. I love to go sit and talk with her while she is sitting. Her personality is so wonderful.

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