My new from scraps tractor


8 Years
Apr 4, 2011
Near Seattle
all we had to buy was the wheels and roof panel and then we bought handles just to get it done, but the rest is left-overs from the main coop.

I love that it fits between my raised beds. I love that it's in two parts - one transportation unit, one docking station. I don't love that it turned out a little crooked/unsquare... or that it doesn't fit snugly together. I will figure that part out.



thanks! Yes, simple for sure, though it is really even more than we needed. I guess I'll be happy to have it if I ever need to quarantine a lady or if we have to introduce a new hen or something. It has a removable roost and nest box inside and everything... though so far the girls only ever take rides in it. Not sure how they like it, they probably would like to see where they are going
So how big is the coop and run area and how many birds to you keep in it? I use a chicken ark for my 3 chickens, I like it, but it is so heavy that it does take 2 to move it. I wouldn't mind building something else either an additional permanent coop or another tractor.
we have the permanent coop that weighs a gazillion lbs and will never move. It's got a 4X4 coop and 4X6 run (4 hens) and then this tractor is 32 inches by 8 feet, plus the mini-coop thing... which is I think about 32 inches by 32 inches or so.

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