my Nieces pet mice


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 18, 2011
My Niece Cassandra sent me these pics today of her two newest litters of domestic mice, I thought that they were pretty, so I thought I'd share.

Cassandra, who is not REALLY my "niece" but is a very very dear friend of mine's daughter who is 11 years old has been breeding pet mice for 4 years now, and has gone from regluar Pink eyed white and Agouti's back when she first started to Blue's blacks, Tri-colors, siamese, brindles and a few more, most of her current stock are actually from mice that I gave her when I moved from nevada to where I am now.

anyway, she's all excited because she got her FIRST chocolate mice.


the litter with the chocolates, I have my eyeballs on the dark brindle in this litter, I've wanted a pet mouse for the kids for a while


I've also told her that I was looking at one of the Broken Brindles in this litter haha.

they're coming up to visit around the time when both litters will be weaned, so it might work.

anyways I just figured I'd share
Absolutely adorable! Out of all the rodents chosen for pets mice and rats are my favorites! I've found they bite far less than gerbils, hamsters, or the like!!

As a child, we used to have a Japanese dancing mouse (aka Japanese waltzing mouse) we named Topo Gigio. We had him almost 3yrs before his demise.

Among my menagerie of critters, I do currently have a hooded white and charcoal gray rat (she's mine, not my son's! LOL) - her name is Topo Gigio (after my fond memories of our pet mouse) - and I've had her for almost 2yrs now. She's a lot of fun, full of character and adores the attention showered upon her by my niece and nephew when they come for a visit.
Pets, she sells them as pets, infact she has quite a high demand for her mice because they're so friendly, she handled all the babies from the day they're born. so they're super friendly while I was visiting them once, she drug me and Vence (who was a baby at the time) into her mouse room, and plopped her favorite buck on my shoulder, i was instantly in love, I've never had a mouse purposfully lick me until Cheetah, I threatened to take him home ha ha.

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