My order arrived from MPC today....


9 Years
Jun 13, 2010
I ordered six assorted chicks from each Australorp
, Buff Orpington, Barred Plymouth Rock
, Golden Laced Wyandotte
, Rhode Island Red
and a Speckled Sussex
. I was shorted the Orpington, of course that was the one I wanted most. My great grandmother always had Buff's and I wanted to name the chick Mabel after her. When I called to ask about just receiving five chicks I was given a story about trouble at a hatchery on Sunday and they lost over 19,000 eggs. While I sympathize with their business loss I don't think saying "we managed to contact hundreds of customers, sorry we didn't have time to call YOU" made me feel any better. 6 chicks with postage cost me $61.00 and they think a 3 dollar credit fixes everything? I asked what I should do to avoid a similar situation "next time" and was not given an answer. It's a bummer to start off my very first chicken experience by "loosing" one before I even get it.
Now I have an odd number of hens and an extra name picked out. I was so confident that MY experience was going to be a good one too.........

You asked the newbie for pictures
.......I've run the camera battery low I've taken so many already. Here's one right after the girls came home-they are were a bit sleepy.
They are so cute!
Makes me want to get more babies myself! You may want to put some paper towels over the shavings for the first 2 or 3 days. That way they won't try to eat shavings and they can see their food better on the paper towels. It also lets you monitor their poop better to be sure everyone's looks good.

Oh, and I just noticed your water bowl - make sure no one falls in there, they'll drown. You can put a few rocks in it and then fill with water so if one of them jumps in, they'll get out fine. Can they reach the water in there?
Thanks for your recommendations....I wanted to use a water bottle but was afraid they were just too thirsty upon arrival to get the hang of it. So I quickly threw a bowl of water in there. I have tried to get them to use the water bottle but I don't think they can make it work yet. So I have changed out the water bowl for a saucer like the food is in. And yes they are pecking at the shavings so I will add papertowels. They are finding the food bowl no problem. Thanks again!!!
That sucks that they shorted you on such a small order. And I'm amazed that they charged you $61 for your order. That just seems so high!

On another note, does MPC process their orders from Ideal? I had someone call me today wanting Buff Orpingtons because they had ordered some from Ideal and Ideal did not ship and said they had a problem at the hatchery over the weekend...just curious if there was a connection
They are so cute! Bless their sleepy little hearts.

I wonder if the storms out West affected the hatcheries?
I was one that got a call from MPC. All 8 of my ordered EEs weren't coming. They said all EEs and Buff Orington's died due to a hatchery problem.
When I placed the order I chose the option to wait a week versus get substitutes. I wonder if that's why they called. Did you make that choice on the order form?

----- Ed
Yes. I believe MPC sources out their orders to hatcheries. They are a "drop-ship" place. I'm sure they use Ideal and I know they use Meyer hatchery too.
What kind of water bottle were you planning to use? I use the kind with the red "saucer/bowl" that screws onto a quart jar.

For the first couple of days I check for Pasty Butt every time when I clean up their box. Everybody gets moved to another container, the box is cleaned, everybody is checked and moved back. I make sure the water jar is ready and everybody gets a beak dip. I tell non-chicken people that it's like introducing kittens to drinking from a bowl. Press on the back of the head with one finger while the other fingers and the hand attempt to restrain the squirrmy critter! (Who knew wanting them to hold their wings against their bodies and be still for 10 seconds was SO HORRIBLE?!?) Dip the beak and quickly right the bird. If they drank, you should see them gulping and pointing their beaks in the air. I try once or twice and them set them down near the waterer. The brainy birds catch on fast and teach their siblings how it's done.

My children like to help while I'm "torturing baby birds". Even the 7 y.o. boy can be trusted to move all the babies to the holding container and entertain them while I clean up. I have to work on getting the 12 y.o. daughter to not wet so much of the fluff when she's washing pasted butts, but that's why we have heat lamps!

By the way, if you don't mind everyone covered in a thin coat of baby food, you can add water to the feed. My gals looked like they were stomping grapes. After their third day I was tired of the mess and refused to wet the food any more. After another 3 or 4 days, they finally have pecked all the food speckles off each other. I guess all babies love messy fun!

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