My parakeet talking to my handicapped cochin...

Well, what a gentleman, that's sure a lot nicer than "blue bird" treat's chicks. She goes down into the brooder, hangs off the lamp or the edge and picks on who ever walks near her. She even picks on the cockatiel who is about 4x as large.... little she bird.
So sweet!
That is so cute! He's a real smoocher isn't he? I wish I could figure out what all he's saying, he sure is a chatterbox!

I shared it on my facebook page, hope you don't mind. It's just too cute to keep to myself
He says his name a lot. Some of the things he says often is "whatcha doin'?" "what's wrong?" what's the matter?" "I love you!" "Hi babydoll!" Come here Kioi!" and a bunch of other stuff. A lot of it isn't clear just yet. It's funny because I wanted him to learn the doll laugh (I assume it's a kookaburra ) from the Saw series. I've been playing it for a while but never actually heard him imitate it until I listened to that video. You can hear him do the laugh at the .57 mark.

Shelley, that's ok with me.

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