my parents need to pick better hiding spots for presents lol


artistic fowlism
16 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Yamhill County, Oregon
so today i went outside to get a pop from out outside patio fridge.. lol
i opend the door and there was a giant package in the fridge.. i was like huh?? so i grabbed it and looked at the lable to se where it came from .. it said GQF lmao hahahaha .. i guess i know what im getting for christmas i pretended like i never found it.... silly parents lol i told them i wanted an incubator lol hehehehe
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You bad kid! Well, they'll just have to take it back to the store and put coal in your stocking.
geeze i am glad my kids dont use the computer if they re hid their presents on me i would think i was loosing my mind...which i already think is its not a far stretch!
I just put everything in a corner of my DD's room. Its the only room in the house that the boys cannot go in. (Strictly enforced by scary DD)
This is why when I moved into my new house I had the builder put a lock on the master closet door that is keyed from the outside.

1-In case of a break in, you can hide in there.
2-You can lock the kids out of stuff you don't want them to see!
I used to hide gifts in the trunk of a broken down car in the yard; along with the phone, or the computer if kids were grounded.

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