my pooor ugly chicken


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
Phoenix AZ
poor pixie, she had been broody since july which resulted in 4 eggs hatching (only 2 survived) so she was in there for several months because each set was seperate. well now that shes out of her mood, shes molting. there are way more feathers in my yard than usual and shes looking pretty rough! how long do chickens usually molt for? shes not very big bit shes worse for ware thats for sure!
It usually takes 2-3 months for a chicken to finish molting completely. Some chickens are fast molters, and can molt in less than six weeks. Others take a really long time to molt, only losing a few feathers at a time.

To help her grow in her feathers, give her some high protein foods. Wet cat food, mealworms, and eggs are all good choices.

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