My poor chicken


Aug 28, 2018
I was away for a few days and when I got home I noticed 1 of my New Hampshire reds comb had been completely pecked off. At least that's what I think happened to her. This group of 6 I've raised from hatchlings and they're now about 3yrs old. Have always gotten along until now. Someone in the flock is bullying but it only seems to be her. I've removed the injured 1 from the pen and at roosting time lastnight got her and put antibiotic onitment on her missing comb. Today she's wandering around in the backyard with her mouth open. I've given her fresh food and water and she's eating and drinking but seems to want to go back in the pen with the others but no way. Will her comb grow back ? What else can I do for her ? Will the bully do this to my other chickens ? I'm stressed out and need some advise. I'm worried about my poor chicken.
Well what you can do is keep her separated from the flock no matter how much she wants to go back try and clean some of the blood off the comb with warm water and dry it off when it drys try and put some petroleum jelly on it I don’t really know what else you could do for her I wish you the best of luck!
If you can create a separate pen for her where she can see the flock and they can see her but not touch her, that would be best.
Put food and water in there for her.
Allow her to heal and gain confidence in a stress free pen so that when you put her back with the others she doesn’t act like a victim.
She’s probably the lowest on the pecking order or possibly challenged a higher bird for their place and lost.
The world of chickens can seem brutal to us but it’s the way they operate.
Can you post a picture? Whenever I have had a chicken who was becoming weak and dying, the other chickens would peck them and make combs bleed. She may be sick, so I would do a thorough exam of her crop, her droppings, feel her breastbone for weight loss, check her lower belly for swelling, look her over for mites and lice.

I agree that separating her in a dog crate with food and water, but leaving her with the others is best. Then when she is heling, supervise some visits out in the yard in the evenings before they go in to roost.
Well what you can do is keep her separated from the flock no matter how much she wants to go back try and clean some of the blood off the comb with warm water and dry it off when it drys try and put some petroleum jelly on it I don’t really know what else you could do for her I wish you the best of luck!
Thanks for your advise !!!
Can you post a picture? Whenever I have had a chicken who was becoming weak and dying, the other chickens would peck them and make combs bleed. She may be sick, so I would do a thorough exam of her crop, her droppings, feel her breastbone for weight loss, check her lower belly for swelling, look her over for mites and lice.

I agree that separating her in a dog crate with food and water, but leaving her with the others is best. Then when she is heling, supervise some visits out in the yard in the evenings before they go in to roost.
I'll get a photo of her and post it. The last 2 nights I've kept her in a crate and put antibiotic ointment on her missing comb. She seems very healthy otherwise. I hate seeing her like this. I wonder if she's in pain ? I've been told her comb want grow back.
I don't think they grow back, sorry. Are you sure it was another chicken? Could something have grabbed her through the fence? Once it heals some I would let her rejoin the flock with close supervision. This way you can see the behavior.
That's sad her comb want grow back but I guess she can survive without a comb. I'm pretty sure it was another chicken. I've seen her being pecked on at feeding time. If only I hadn't been out of town a few days I could have gotten her out of there before her whole comb was pecked off. That had to be so painful for my poor chicky. I know there's a pecking order an I guess once blood was drawn they went into a frenzy. How horrible !!!
This is a photo of my Chicky who's comb is gone. I feel so bad for her. I had a hard time finding her in my backyard just minutes ago. She'd normally come running to greet me for a treat but not today. She's panting through her beak and seems to have made a nest. Maybe to lay an egg ? I'll keep a close eye on her an see if she lays 1. If not I'll give her a sits bath in warm water and some extra calcium. Any advise welcomed !!! Thanks Cheryl
This is a photo of my Chicky who's comb is gone. I feel so bad for her. I had a hard time finding her in my backyard just minutes ago. She'd normally come running to greet me for a treat but not today. She's panting through her beak and seems to have made a nest. Maybe to lay an egg ? I'll keep a close eye on her an see if she lays 1. If not I'll give her a sits bath in warm water and some extra calcium. Any advise welcomed !!! Thanks CherylView attachment 1518869
I have a bantam Cochin pullet who was pecked by another bird and it separated the back of her comb.
It healed but the back part sticks up at a weird angle now.
Your hen looks like she’s all healed up from that photo.
Here’s my girl Cricket. You can kind of see the back piece of skin on her comb sticking up.

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