My Poor lil duck

Aunt Jo

In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2018
So, I am fairly new to Ducks.. started a lil more than a year ago now. I have two Pekin ducks, come from the same farm.. a male and a female. This summer she started to nest.. and then to sit.. the first few times.. I shewed her and collected the eggs anyway.. but I let it go once.. with about 10 eggs.....

Weeks gone by.. I lost one here and there. I would go into their yard and one would be open and need cleaned up.... Towards the end, This was how I knew I was going to have a baby duckling or two.. there was two times that the egg was broken and an almost ready duckling was dead. Towards time for them all to be hatching..
On a Family celebration one hot summer day.. I went out that morning.. and watered and checked.. then went to celebration..literally across the yard. I came back for late afternoon watering and such.. and hit the edge of the yard.. ad the worst smell of rotten eggs hit me... ( my fist experience there and sheeeeew, did not smell that way that morning)
I spoke with an uncle and he told me that.. those two times I found the almost" ready broken eggs.. that the drake had killed them.. that they will do this. That the rest of them were most likely rotten. I cleaned out the pen and box and freshened it all up and was a tad sad.. out of all of those I may have had three ducklings.. but nature intervened.

Ok.. so flash forward next batch, She did it again.. this time I kept the drake away while she was sitting... I would let her out in the evenings with him and put her up separate. I didn't think it was going to happen this time either.. then one evening.. We heard some peeping.. this was after I had let the mama out with the drake and they was roaming.. We went over and found this little duckling.. bleeding from both wing tips.. He/she was on the outside of the pen. and fence.. Not sure how it got out there. ...and when I picked it up it was very vocal and mama came a running.. so I put him with her in the nest and locked them back up. (MY first baby hatched on my farm my chickens have never gone broody) Ive now got my wonders...

MY Problems... The drake wants to kill him/her.. Break its neck or something.. Still... I though as it grew this might stop but no. Duckling was born on the 6th of July..

It can barley stand... always lays down.. when it does stand it is wobbly and stands like a Indian Runner duck almost.. and seems so heavy..Its bottom looks super long.... Seems that he or she can not support its weight.. Again I thought it was just a wobbly baby and would grow out of this... but has not.. seems like something is wrong.. with its legs or Im not sure.. seems to swim okay.. but only stands wobbly for a second or so... Its very noticeable today.. If I figure out if I can add a video I will get one and share it.

Im not sure if the two ducks are not brother and sister ducks.. eeeek... Would that be the problem.. and why he tries to kill them still? Do Drakes most times act this way towards the young... What would you do with this little duckling...? Can Drakes tell when the eggs are about to hatch and do they break them? Do you think The drake pulled that duckling out of the pen that day.. ? Random thoughts... and wonders.. Thanks.

We have named it Whimmpy... Any advice always welcome.. thanks for reading my first post and story.
Aunt Jo.
Being Drakes do not go Broody they don't understand the Peeps from the almost hatched eggs or the Ducklings. Yes, they can and will kill them. Even other Hens that are not Broody will possibly kill them. I keep all mine separated till my Birds accept them.
Do you think they will eventually accept him or her? I separated them all and gave it its own space... it seems stronger just in the week past... but still almost as if its double jointed or something.. lays down to eat.. The Drake is going to its cage and still being aggressive... Thank you for your answer
Sounds like the duckling needs Niacin. Nutritional yeast, Brewer's yeast, or Vitamin B3. I think it's easier to use nutritional yeast. I put a tablespoon in about a cup of feed. But since your duckling is having immediate problems I would get some nutri-drench or B3 to give directly.
THank you so much I will try this and see if it improves... I separated them and gave it its own space and to me it seems a tad bit stronger... but still like it is double jointed... buckles at the knee like and lays down... Tomorrow I will make a little video to see if I can share it in here... I made myself a note to do this~! ha ~Thank you
Since this ducklings is having trouble I'd go with a B complex liquid you can buy human at Walmart give the little one 3ml daily you can add it it's feed. But it needs all the B's. You can also buy it at TSC in the cattle section that one is 1 ml a day. It will say injectable but is given orally to our birds. What a time you've had trying to get this little one up and going,but usually with in a week of the Liquid complex you can see noticeable improvement.
All excellent advice! Perkins are known for sketchiness when it comes to brooding and being dads...if your male is young he will destroy the mother's brood just to get her to breed again,one solution to this would be to get more females for your drake so he doesn't focus on his one and only mate = less pressure for both;)

Edit. Brother and sister up to 2 or 3 generations should not affect baby by theory hun
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