My Poor Little Dumb Rooster

Ms Clucky

5 Years
Jan 22, 2019
Salem, Illinois
I haven't been on here since my little white hen died, so I thought I might give you all an update.
I hope all of you have read about my little rooster, Took, who got pecked by his mom and I had to baby him. Well I finally put him in with the other chickens. Some days I think he will be ok and then other days I think he is the most dumbest chicken around. Yesterday when there was a downpour, every other chicken ran inside, he stayed out in the rain. It rain for at least an hour. I couldn't go out there and get him cause it was doing some major lighting. He managed to survive cause a tiny overhang on the house. I thought he would be fine cause the day before he went in with the others and got up on the roost by himself. Really don't know what to do. He is so dumb, but he is slowly becoming a chicken. Plus, he is afraid of the dark. He sometimes won't go in to roost cause it is too dark in the chicken house. I have to go in the run and get him. I can't keep doing this, but I guess I will have to. Maybe put a nightlight in there. I think that it's my fault for babying him while his was in our house. I really hope he grows out of it.

My Blindie hen hatched out 5 babies, but the hens that want some of their own got in her nest and killed 3 of them before I got up. She has two, but I can't let her around the other chickens cause she chases them around and pulls their feathers out even if they are 10 feet away from her. I have 19 other chicks and some more hatching out in a few days. It's been crazy around here. I will get back with some pics later on.
The not going into the coop at night because it’s dark is because chickens have very poor night vision. If they’re outside when the sun goes down they will bunker down right there. He’ll get the hang of it eventually. He’s skittish around the other birds due to him not being incorporated into the pecking order. And chickens, as a whole, are dumb.
Well I finally put him in with the other chickens. Some days I think he will be ok and then other days I think he is the most dumbest chicken around. Yesterday when there was a downpour, every other chicken ran inside, he stayed out in the rain
How long has he been with the other chickens and how old is the "Poor Little Dumb Rooster"?

The not going into the coop at night because it’s dark is because chickens have very poor night vision.
That could be part of it....
He’s skittish around the other birds due to him not being incorporated into the pecking order.
... but this is more likely.

Wonders how big is the coop?
How long has he been with the other chickens and how old is the "Poor Little Dumb Rooster"?

That could be part of it....
... but this is more likely.

Wonders how big is the coop?
Took has been in there for about 3 weeks. He is 1 year old this May 31. The coop is a 10 x 12

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