My pot bellied pig is sick, need help

Holy Cr!!
Yeah..shes hot! poor baby! i wonder what it is??
also..i dont know how to cool down something that hot... i'd say be careful you dont put her into shock with too cold water. wow! thats high! good luck!!
i'll try to look up other things also for ya...
did she get overheated at all today? maybe thas it? (it happens VERY easy..very fast..) anyways it says to never spray an overheated pig with cold can kill them. (i know your not doing that..) cooling from within with gatorade/water mixture with ice cubes is the best treatment. if the pig is unwilling to drink you can gradually decrease the body temp with wet towels applied first to the feet, then to the ears and body. you can also aim a fan over a tray of ice and water to help cool them down. they cant sweat..they are very prone to overheating..they can only sweat through their snouts.
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very E.R. said $145.00 for after hours visits. O.K. I said I will call you when I am on the way. The E.R. is in a bad part of town and have to have someone up by the door to let you in so that is why they want an estimate of when you will be there and what you are driving. I call back and they say bring $500.00 deposit on top of the $ 145.00. What is wrong with these people?

Her temp has dropped to 105.6 now. She will not drink on her own. We are mixing her up some gateraid and water mix now with a dropper and see what happens.
Thanks guys for your well wishes, it means a lot. I finally got a vet out of bed willing to talk with me. He will see us in two hours from now. He has also instructed me how to treat her with the meds I have here at the house.

I have been researching all night and I think it may be pneunomia{sp} she has. There are no signs to start with except the no eating and the fever.

The only other thing I could find was salt poisining that she could have gotton from her and Stormys ranch dressing bomb party they had. There was no mention of fever for this though.

Please let Pitunia be O.K.

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