My Potbelly Is Pregnant. What do I do? -Babies are here! *Updated with Pics*

Thank you for those pictures! I can barely stand them, they're so cute..
love.gif cute! I love my piggies! Does momma use a litter box? You might want to put a low sided one down right next to hers for the babies to use.
I have really been chomping at the bit to bring a couple of mine inside. I know that they are better left with mom though. But it's so hard not to bring a couple inside. If I had an area in here that the dogs couldn't get to to upset momma I would have mom and all of the babies inside. I just go out and sit in the nest and get my piggy fix that way.

Have fun with your little ones....they are sooo cute!

Yes, Momma uses a litter box, A pig's litter box isn't as stinky as a cats. We use wood pellets as litter and they soak up all the moisture. We do clean the litter daily as they don't bury their poop. They are very clean and like to fallow you around and will sit on the couch beside you but most of all, they like their belly scratched.
Make sure to give them the iron. You will probably lose them if you don't especially if they are inside. You can give them baby iron drops I was told. Hope you have good luck with them.
call the vet, he'll tell you if they need shots or not...
Also, some people bring in a big tub of dirt from outside and let t he piglets root around in it... they eat some dirt and supposedly get some iron from that...
NOT sure if that REALLY works though...
Just call the vet... they'll tell you what to do... :)

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