My pretty girls (minus eggs)!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 29, 2009
The Deep South
My Buff Orpingtons are 23 weeks and STILL not laying. They havent shown any interest in the nest boxes. Will they naturally gravitate towards the boxes when they're ready? Im SO impatient!! Here are pictures of them and their roo. Also, my Cochin just for kicks.

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Buffs can be rather slow starting in the laying department.

26 to 32 weeks was around when my four started.

All chickens even within a single breed start laying on their timetable and not what someone (no matter how many sets of alphabet soup they have after their name) says is the time.
My Buff O just started laying yesterday at not quite 21 weeks, but her comb and wattles are much more developed than your girl in the first pic. It is interesting how much the process can vary within the same breed.
Thanks everyone!!
Im aware that they will lay on their own "schedule"... but what I'd really like to know is about the nest boxes.. Will they eventually find them interesting enough to lay in them?? The pretty much ignore them at this point. When it is time to lay will they naturally go into them?? Thanks again!!!
Mine ignored them until right before they began laying. I put a couple of white golf balls in them to inspire them and inform them that the box was the spot to put eggs. Once they began laying, they always used the boxes except a couple of odd times when they dropped an egg from the roost. THat was early in their lives when their schedule wasn't quite regular, but they matured into good egg layers.
I just put some wooden eggs I found at Michaels into my nest boxes 2 days ago. Mine aren't laying yet either but a couple of the RIR girls are looking real promising...combs, wattles, and faces are red and they are kinda doing the 'squat' thing when I reach down to them. I can't tell yet that anyone has actually gotten into the nests, but they are ready for them. My BO girls look nowhere ready to lay. Their combs and wattles have hardly started growing yet, much less turning red. They are all the same age, 17 weeks

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