my property or his ?

Good advice. Survey costs depends upon where they have to start I think with a marker . . .I had one done for a client, took 45 min., and cost him $600. If this was subdivided there has to be a plat on file with the dimensions. Good luck.
We did this when we moved into our current home 18 years ago. It took every penny we had.
we have never regretted the expense.
We were lucky, my SIL is married to a guy who does surveying. He and his buddy came over and surveyed our lot for a T-bone dinner and a case of beer. Apparently it would have cost about $1500 since they had to find the block markers to work with......

Go to the County offices and see what you can dig up first before you survey or fence.....
Boundary survey is a must. It is less than a survey that marks out everything on your property(house,garage,shed,septic).It just marks the corner pins,and usually they place a few stakes along the line. I had trouble being able to measure from the corner pins to middle property stake,so I had the surveyor come back and put stakes every 10 feet.No question where the line was,but guess what....the neighbor still mowed past the stakes. Only a fence held my neighbor back.

A boundary survey is your best option,and you can do one side or all sides.Once you have it done your neighbor can do his own survey to confirm or dispute.If he does a survey and it does not match then the 2 surveyors are required to hash it out,and figure out why there is a difference. Your neigbor can not just say," I don't agree with your survey." though as mine did they will try. Just ignore.

Legal is where its at not opinions,or going out with a tape measure and metal detector. I added extra stakes so no one could say my fence was off by a few feet or inches.

I know what you mean about the funny feeling you get when you see a neighbor on your land.I got itand I am sure my neighbor gets it too.I waited 2 years after the survey for my neighbor to do one,but after 2 years of just mouth runs I put up my fence just inside those stakes. I feel bad that the survey did not match what my neighbor felt was right.All I really wanted was to know where the property line was so I could put up my fence.

Any future house I buy will get a survey done.Might even ask the sellers to do it or split the cost. The mortgage survey I learned is legally binding-it is a joke.All fencing companies I contacted would not use the mortgage survey.They said to get a REAL survey.

Best wishes!
I mentioned to my neighbor that I hoped to install a fence one day.Then 6 months later I hired the surveyor.Ofcourse the neighbor was out there watching and chatting.I just mentioned again that I will be putting up a fence one day,and the survey will let me know exactly where the property line is.2 years after the survey I had more stakes put in.Neighbor watched and chatted again with the surveyor saying he did not think the line was were he thought it was.Surveyor told him to get a survey.Then 3 months later I finally put in my fence.Lol,the neighbor asked me(the day of install) to put the fence in 3-4 feet due underground encroachments.Funny they were never mentinoed before and we were already in the process of drilling holes in a straight line for the fence.I politely refused to move my fence.

No need to discuss any thing with the neighbor.
That is what we had, a boundary survey. We put up a fence and needed to know the lines for city ordinances.

I guess the cost depends on where you live, what they do and how they end up doing it....... my BIL also surveyed my in-laws 130 acres. Not sure if I would ever want to see a bill for that one!
You can just find the old markers and make them more visable but if the neighbor wants to be a pain you are going to have to go a step further. (been there done that before) The first thing they are going to say is "you moved the stakes". When we bought our first house it sat empty for quite a few years and the neighbors on both sides moved in slowly but surely. We had it surveyed for the loan and they actually moved the stakes! That was to funny, the survey company came back out at no charge and put the stakes back. Then they knocked on each of their doors and gave them a copy of 10,000 dollar fine that you can get for moving stakes. For some reason they didn't move after that. One neighbor was one of those cut the grass every other day types and would cut about 3 feet of our yard every time. One day he came home to find a nice split rail fence looking at him. I'm soooooo glad we don't have any close neighbors now.

Thank you everyone.

I called a surveyor today he did the original for the sale of the property and the mortgage so he is very familiar with the property. He said he would charge me 150 since he just has to do the one side. I only have 4 acres and I only want the side where bozo mows. we went out last night and his old stakes are still there and on the tree from last time.

I asked if I could be there and he said sure why not. So I guess one side of our property will be fenced. or at the least some posts to mark it with.

thank you for all your advice

got my nesting boxes done yesterday going to level the ground and put down my cedar post for the hen house today , maybe have it raised and up this weekend then comes the yard for the girls
cant wait
Get the survey done and cement in the corner posts.
They can't be moved.

Got a neighbor who bought another neighbors farm. There is another neighbor who drives right through the middle of their farm land. Makes a road every year.
Well they talked to a lawyer and found out there was no way to stop him, because he never asked them and it was implied approval.
They can not keep him out.

Get your fence started now.

Just another thought. Send him a certified letter asking him to please stop mowing the grass on your land. Do this after the survey.

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