My pullet is acting like a caged tiger


12 Years
May 20, 2007
My Silver Spangled Hamburg pullet is acting weird. My 5 girls are all about 22 1/2 weeks old, and I got my first egg about 3 weeks ago. The SSH is the only white egg layer among them, so I know for sure that her first egg was on 7/27, with another on 7/29 and 7/30. Nothing since. The eggs were very small - expected, as she is both young, and a small breed. For the last couple of days she will go into the henhouse, and run back and forth in front of the big chicken wire doors, like a tiger in the zoo. She ignores the pophole that the chickens have for going in and out. And then she'll take a long look at the nest boxes, and hop in, and then out. Eventually she'll come outside, but then I've seen her do this back and forth running in a quiet corner of the run as well. It looks to me like she wants to lay an egg, but just doesn't know what she is supposed to do, or where she is supposed to go. I thought maybe she was eggbound, but research suggests that she should be lethargic, and not eating well. But she is quite active, appears to be eating normally, and drinking. I haven't actually seen her poop, so can't say about that. She is also the most skittish of my girls, and it would be major stress for both of us if I were to try and catch her for a closer look. This is my first go with chickens; is it normal for a pullet to wait for (at least) 4 days between eggs, after laying 3 in quick succession?
Further info: they are all on layer pellets, with free choice oystershell, and grit. They get a handful of BOSS between them every day, and some greens as treats. We were away for several weeks up until 7/29, and during that time they only got their pellets, oystershell, grit, and, I think, the BOSS.

Of course, now that I have asked the question I will find a lovely little white egg tomorrow. But if anyone has any information, suggestions I would be grateful.
Sounds like egg-production-startup issues to me...

They can lay a few eggs in a row and then take a week off as their systems are gearing up.

I'd just keep an eye out for any deterioration in symptoms - the lethargy, etc that would indicate egg binding.

Hope she gets in the laying groove for you soon!
Sounds like PMS to me!
...or I guess that should be PLES (pre-laying egg syndrome).
Pre laying egg syndrome for sure. She was at it again today, being very agitatated, running back and forth, making funny noises, and late this afternoon - there it was - a lovely little egg. Little being the operative word. I was pretty sure, after all her shenanigans, that it would be a big one, with double yolks. Noooo ...... just as the last 3 were. And she put it in a corner of the run where I only saw it by chance
Still, now that the "passage is open", so to speak, we can work on geting the eggs in the nest. Silly little birdbrain.

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