My pullet is sick!!! Not sure what to do.


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 18, 2013
Rhode Island
Hi guys, I got a problem. My 20 weeks old sex linked pullet is sick and I'm not sure what it is. I isolated her from the rest of the flock since I just noticed her being in a shady corner resting on the ground. Her comb and waddles have turned from a healthy red to a light pink. She has not trouble breathing and just wants to sleep. She would walk around for a minute or two and find another shady spot to rest. Her poop is runny white with some yellow blotches in it. She doesn't seemed thrilled to eat or drink but she will when it's given to her. And she just started laying eggs recently like last week but it hasn't been every day more like every 3 days. I'm not prepared to see a vet seeing though we have no avian vets here and I'm not prepared to run to the vet for an expensive bill that is just not affordable these days. Any solutions would help!

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