My pullets don't seem to like fermented feed?


May 13, 2024
We have had 18 week old pullets for 3 days. Before we brought them home I started fermenting organic scratch feed for them. The first day they ate maybe half. Today they hardly touched it. It appears to be made correctly. Bubbles...smells fermented. Any thoughts? Should I keep giving it to them or stop. They also have access to pellets. They eat those. Thanks
try rinsing it (in a sieve or colander or suchlike) before serving, and keep offering a variety of different foodstuffs. It can take a while for new birds to settle into a new home, feeding regime, environment, keeper etc.
It's like anything new, sometimes it takes a few tries of it. They should eventually love it so I'd just stop making more for a few days, then try it again.

I noticed with my new chicks, they don't even like mash at first, but a few days later, they go nuts for it.

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