my pullets have lice - just need verification or advice on treatment


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 3, 2009
Shelton, WA
I took my flashlight out tonight when I put my girls to bed and low-and-behold, there were little brownish things running around on there skin. YUCK! I can't stop itching now.

What is the difference between Sevin dust & Eprinex? Is there a preferred treament?

I am worried about them getting bugs again after I treat them.

The coop is about 1 month old. I use the DLM & DE in the coop and have no odor or moisture problems. The run is sand & pea gravel over dirt and I use DE in there, also.

What can I do to make sure the coop and run are treated, also?

I read on an older BYC post, that mites & lice go hand in hand with worms, is this usually the case?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Kristy.

I had the same problem. The good news is it's easy to treat. If you have a Tractor Supply store nearby, you can get poultry dust there.

I bought a can for about $6 I think. I held my chickens upside down and heavily dusted them. Then I spread the dust all over their coop. It's been two months now and no lice. I check my hens regularly and they're clean.

I haven't had problems with worms, but I do treat them for worms also. You can get worm treatment at TSC also. Just read the directions on the bottle. It's very easy. You mix it with their water.
Thank you for your reply. It was very reassuring!

So, is Dells Farm supply like Tractor Supply? They sell horse, pig, cow & poutry feed, bedding, etc & some farm stuff.

After you "dredged" your chickens
, did you have to re-treat a week later, or do you think dusting the coop took care of this?

I am thinking of adding a dust bath box for their coop in winter, do they poop in it?

Thanks again!
Make sure the poultry dust is Permethrin. You will have to treat them again at least twice every 7 days. They can hatch up to 21 days. Also dust the bedding and nest boxes - stir it in well.

On the poultry dust, I found I waste way less if I sprinkle the dust into my (gloved) hand and then use the hand to ruffle the dust into the feathers (rather than shaking the can on them). It's a lot less dusty that way, too.

Be sure to get their underside really well, under their wings, etc. You might pick up some Adams Flea and Tick mist while you're there - it's handy for using on a paper towel under their chins, at the back of their heads, behind their 'ears'.
Mine never do - they just take dust baths in it, ,get all the dust and sand all in their feathers, etc. If you put it in a good sunny spot, they'll sometimes lay out in it like they're dead (that's scary). But when you come up, they'll just hop up like "Excuse ME... I was having a private bath there!"

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