My Queen Bea is gone!


12 Years
May 7, 2007
Southwest Missouri
DH called me right before I left work yesterday to let me know something was wrong w/ Opie our rooster. He was bleeding all over the back of his head. When I got home to look at him blood was just dripping off the back of his comb. The wound was just a small cut across the comb but with all the bleeding you would have thought he was mortally wounded. I cleaned him up, put neosporin on him and tucked him in for the night.

Queen Bea is my golden laced wyandotte. She is free range like Opie except at night she goes to her own "room" in the barn. As I finished up chores I asked Hubby if he had put her to bed. He hadn't so we started looking. We looked everywhere for that girl and could not find her. One other time she spent the night out (but it was summer then) and was fine the next day. Not this time. I could not find her this morning either. No pile of feathers or anything. Just Gone:(

I'd like to think Opie was trying to save her when he was hurt.
The cut at the back of the roosters comb sounds like he got it caught on something, maybe like fencing.

Think maybe she got out and he tried to follow her?
This stinks! I got home from work yesterday and am missing another chicken. Penny was a Dominique.


Again, no signs of anything. She's just gone. Today I didn't let any of them out. Not even the younger group with a covered run. I have to be at work from 8 to 6. I can't stand the thought of coming home tonight and missing another one.

Hubby thinks it is a hawk. I'm starting to think dog. These girls are pretty good sized, I'm just not sure a hawk could carry them off.

I am so sad.
I'm sorry! It's probably best that you kept them locked up today. Maybe on the weekend, you can get a better idea of what's coming to your property during the day. At least they will be safe, while you sort this all out.
When a Hawk got one of mine it left alot of feathers and part of the carcus. Ate would it could then took off. Doesn't sound like a hawk to me. But I'm certainly no expert. Hope you find the culprit before you lose anymore.


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