My roo is angry, suddenly and attacking! What to do!


May 5, 2010
Waialua, Hawai`i
This roo I have raised from a chick. He is about 3 years old, (use to) love cuddling, and was very docile with me. Has 6 girls to take care of and is wonderful to them. I went away for 4 months, and now he will barely come near me, and has been attacking every one, including me. I know he knows who I am, the hens do. I love him to bits, would never take him away from his hens, or make him a dinner, which I expect will be the responses. I do carry a hose with me when I try and hand feed him, as he does not like water and it doesn,t really hurt him. One minute he will hesitatingly eat from my hand, the next he decides to challenge, but no way will he let me pick him up antmore (we have only been back 2 weeks). He was being taken care of by strangers and they have 3 penned up dogs, which I think has him very stressed as they all free range the yard all day and the dogs bark. Does anyone have experiences with an angry roo, becoming nice again? We are moving and I plan on taking them all with me, which will probably REALLY stress him out for awhile.
Sorry, no 'useful' suggestions, you could wait about four months, Something might have happend to make him fearful or aggressive-

I don't think water is the way to do if you really want him nice again, punishment in one hand and food in the other.

He is a rooster, he thinks like a rooster, he no longer thinks you are part of the flock, you have to earn his trust again.

I'd bring lots of food and get him feeding calmly around me in battle gear (thick overalls, flannel shirt, goggles, boots) Or feed him where he can't reach me.

I do not tolerate human attacks because I could get sued- if I lose my money I have to lose my animals- so instead of one suffering or finding a new home, all suffer.

People that free range all the time need protective roosters like that and they are not too hard to place even when I say human aggressive, (they won't have them if they are hen aggressive).

You could get those chicken blinders and try that if you are not going to range him for awhile-
He is a rooster, he thinks like a rooster, he no longer thinks you are part of the flock, you have to earn his trust again.
That's what I think happened here. Since he's going after people, he for some reason now thinks he is the top of the flock, you'll have to get your lead "rooster" spot back...

My roosters are flock protectors because I free range, so I don't mind if they do not want to cuddle. All that matters is they treat their girls nice and do not go after humans. So if this were my rooster and for some reason didn't eat 'em, I'd probably challenge him to submission so to say. If he comes after me, I'll give him a stink eye and lunge right back at him. If I can get a hold of him, do what other roosters would do to a subordinate, and hold his head down to the ground in a submissive state. However, I doubt this is going to make a nice pet rooster per se, just one who watches and respects from afar.
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I think his days as a pet are over, I do not cuddle my roos as soon as I know the gender the males get little interaction from me, they all (three of them) respect me including if I walk through a fight or stand in the middle it stops (till I move).
My first rooster was the very picture of amiability until I gave him his first hen, after which things went rapidly south and my family and I found ourselves viciously assaulted whenever we made an appearance. I was crushed, since he was my very first chicken; I adored him, and he followed me around like a puppy. I attempted to subdue him by numerous methods (though I would not hurt him), but everything failed. When I accepted defeat, I took him to my neighborhood's farmer's market to sell him, but it had been canceled that week, and I took him back home to wait for the next one. The following day, I went out to feed him. By this time I was of course sick of being pecked to death, and as he flew at me, I lost my temper and stepped on him before he could reach my leg. I didn't step on him hard, but I forced him to the ground, and held him there while he kicked and struggled. Finally he yielded, and never attacked me again (he still had a problem with my dad, but in time he stopped bothering him as well). So you might try that, if you haven't yet. Good luck with your rooster-subduing efforts -- I truly hope they succeed!
That's what I think happened here. Since he's going after people, he for some reason now thinks he is the top of the flock, you'll have to get your lead "rooster" spot back... 

My roosters are flock protectors because I free range, so I don't mind if they do not want to cuddle. All that matters is they treat their girls nice and do not go after humans. So if this were my rooster and for some reason didn't eat 'em, I'd probably challenge him to submission so to say. If he comes after me, I'll give him a stink eye and lunge right back at him. If I can get a hold of him, do what other roosters would do to a subordinate, and hold his head down to the ground in a submissive state. However, I doubt this is going to make a nice pet rooster per se, just one who watches and respects from afar.

I had one rooster that went nuts...I tried everything but had to put him down in the end. However, after he was gone another started acting like he wanted to attack me. I quickly grabbed him and held his head down...I have had to do it all of three times and he no longer charges me. I think it didn't work with the first rooster because either I didn't do it the very first time he went at me....or he was just plain mean. Good luck! It was hard to deal with it.

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