My roo


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 3, 2007
Hi everyone,

My Bantam Roo(george) was outside by himself for week and he stopped eating.I brought him inside and put him with my other roo and hen.They got along well,but he stopped crowing and still wouldn't eat.This morning I went to feed them and George couln't even hold his head up,so I started giving him pedialite with the eyedropper.I thought he was getting better but he just died a few minutes ago.
Can anyone tell me if they can get depressed and die from loneliness or maybe it was something else?
I know they have feelings and can mourn...I wish I knew what happened...I am still trying to work out what happened to my pullet this morning.

Maybe there is info in my posts and the vets stuff to help...
Chickens can be attached to certain other chickens, they will often have strong preferences for who they hang out with- usually who they were raised with. Put into a new environment, they may eat/drink a little less due to stress, but die from loneliness? I do not think so. Whatever made him stop eating is probably what made him die. There are many things that can make them sick- usually they have some symptoms besides lack of appetite (upper respiratory signs, diarrhea, ect). If you provide more info on him (such as age, diet, general condition, vaccine and deworming history, where he came from, how long you have had him, other recent flock problems ect) someone here may be able to give you more advice.

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