My rooster attacks us!


10 Years
Jan 14, 2014
I just have bought a 4 months old rooster for my hens. He is very aggressive and attacks everyone of us. Please advise how to handle this matter properly. Thank you.
Oh dear, already aggressive? It's not going to get better. Do you have kids? If so, I would either contact the person you got him from and return him (that might be why they got rid of him) or send him to freezer camp. As they become sexually mature, their aggressiveness can increase and you guys will pay dearly for it, whether it be an injury to you or your family or somebody visiting the property. Sorry, an aggressive roo doesn't change his stripes even with the strictest behavior modification program.
Thank you so much for helpful information and advice. I will have to look for a better rooster and get rid of this one. I have a new born baby and I do concern for the problem.

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