My Rooster gave a hen directions on how to get over the fence!

That is soooo sad but with a happily ever after for those you took. $15 a chick! In that mire! I'm just trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. I don't attend church anymore. I gave up.
i had locked my chickens out of the coop on accident the other day until later than I had intended. We had ran to the store real quick (normally I put the chickens back in their run when we are gone, but not that day)
When we got home it was raining. 2 of our chickens were roosting on top of the run fence, and the rest were huddled under the shelter that we keep our food bins in. But all the hens were huddled up and the rooster was sitting on top of them.
I love our rooster. He is a very gentle guy, but he is constantly finding food for the girls. He also sat on a few of the hens when my jerk of a dog got out and was attacking the hens.
Onebroodymomma, That's a keeper!
i had locked my chickens out of the coop on accident the other day until later than I had intended. We had ran to the store real quick (normally I put the chickens back in their run when we are gone, but not that day)
When we got home it was raining. 2 of our chickens were roosting on top of the run fence, and the rest were huddled under the shelter that we keep our food bins in. But all the hens were huddled up and the rooster was sitting on top of them.
I love our rooster. He is a very gentle guy, but he is constantly finding food for the girls. He also sat on a few of the hens when my jerk of a dog got out and was attacking the hens.
Aww, he sounds like such a sweetie.
I love this thread and the stories to date; subscribing!

Both hubby and I confess to not being ‘people persons’ and much prefer our own company to others. We are at our happiest when at home with each other and our cats, chickens and goldfish (ponds).

Much of this is due to the flaws in humankind which have already been raised in earlier posts. I am a non confrontational type and find the world to be full of bullies, regardless of age.

Can I be cheeky and share a story and a vent?... I see nodding, I will proceed


25 or so years ago, a long time before Bambrook Bantams was hatched, we purchased a property in Rural Western Australia. The property came complete with an empty chicken coop and run. Thinking “we can’t leave that empty”; we fixed it up a little and went out in search of new residents.

Note: this was our first experience with chickens.

We drove to a hatchery and purchased 6 by large White Chickens. Now, these White Chickens probably had a breed name but our total lack of chicken knowledge at this time resulted in them being White Chickens!.

These White Chickens were apparently well past their use by date at the tender age of 16 months and I hoped I was doing them a favour by rescuing them.

Anyways, got them home, popped the box into the run, opened the box and gently lifted out each girl and placed her on the ground.

What happened next still brings a tear to my eye to this day …. They didn’t move, they all stayed exactly where we had put them for at least 10 minutes. We tried giving them an ever so gentle prod; nothing, no movement. It was at this point we realised that, as a result of confinement in a tiny cage, in a hatchery, these gals did not realise that they could move!

Not long after our realisation, the gals had a realisation of their own in that their legs did have a purpose and from that moment on, they made up for lost time! These gals scratched, dug, explored, sun bathed, dust bathed and regardless of how nice we were to them, made use of those legs to ensure that we were never able to catch them!


I am a responsible pet owner and have two microchipped, desexed indoor cats who have a fully enclosed outdoor run with lots of shelves to play on and a hammock to sleep in etc.

I would guarantee that none of the neighbours know I have cats. However, I know where all the cats in the neighbourhood live and I am constantly chasing them away from my garden and my chickens … not to mention neighbourhood dogs also.

As I mentioned, my non confrontational personality dictates that I stew quietly to myself but believe me .. I sure do stew!

We are not allowed roosters here and I have no intention of drawing the attention of authorities by trying to keep one but I can guarantee you that if I did, someone would complain … meanwhile I quietly tolerate, roaming dogs, roaming cats, screaming children who cannot be bothered to get up and go inside and talk to their parents, loud music and visitors to neighbours who cannot be bothered to get out of the car and walk to front door preferring the option of leaving their hand on the car horn until their presence is recognised. Do not even start me on the fella down the street who is some sort of car racing enthusiast and not only spends many many evenings revving whichever engine he is working on at the time but also testing driving his fleet up and down our street.

Welcome, Teila! that had to be an amazing feeling watching those birds experience freedom of movement for the first time. That's awesome.

I had one of those rude and inconsiderate people at the ER room last night with DD. We waited thirty minutes before the nurse called her name as he swept through the waiting room and we had to trot to keep up with him. Once we got to the room he pointed at her and then the examining table, indicating for her to sit and then pointed at me, then a chair, at which time he placed his posterior portion on a swivel chair with his back to me and began to fire questions at me. I just did my best to answer but when he asked how much she was bleeding and I wasn't sure how to answer since it was a tonsillectomy run amok and it was going down her throat, he got angry and said very sarcastically "Well, it IS bleeding you came here for isn't it? So surely you have some idea?" I said "Can't you just look in there and tell?" He sneered "Here we go." and said "I'm going to call the Doctor." and swept out of the room. We waited for 5 minutes before I calmly checked her out of there and went to another hospital where they took great care of us without so much as a tiny sneer. Thank goodness it wasn't spurting or we'd have never made it. Had I only thought to say "It's not spurting." at the time, perhaps he wouldn't have been quite as awful but wow! I was trying very hard not to freak out, I was so worried about my DD. He couldn't have cared less about either one of us and he was a nurse! I just don't understand why people want to be so mean. For Pete's sake, this is Kansas. People here are supposed to be nicer than most anywhere. Pitiful.

I believe I will tell you all about Oliver, as in Twist, the cat who found us when he was in desperate need, tomorrow, with my morning coffee. My DH is the hero of that story -- he was awesome.
Here's the story of how Oliver came to be a part of our family.

We arrived home around 9 pm on Thanksgiving after having spent the day with our families. We had 5 young children at the time, so we hustled home to get them in bed. As DH was unloading, a cat came up to him meowing insistently. DH brought some stuff in and told me about this cat and I quickly told him "Honey, we said we had enough animals." We had 3 housecats already and 2 black Labs who were all a part of the family. Don't worry, it was a big house. But 5 animals was the limit for our city. DH said "Well, I'm at least going to get him some water." I agreed. He was a ragged looking cat with seriously dull fur and lots of dander throughout the fur. Didn't look to be starving but sure didn't look healthy. After DH gave him the water, the cat got even louder, as if to say "You're on the right track, now bring on the food!" DH came back in the house and told me the poor cat is starving, begging for food loudly.

I thought, oh boy, here we go. Another dependent. "Honey, if you feed that cat, then you'll have to take full responsibility for it because it doesn't look like it's been happy wherever it lives and it will never return. You'll need to get it checked out, get its shots and then turn it over to the Shelter." (The cat had obviously been neutered) He said "Okay, I'll leave it outside tonight but if it's still here in the morning, we'll take care of it." The next morning DH got up, opened the front door and the cat rushed into the foyer and immediately touched noses with our black Labs. I bent down to pet it and the smell was over powering. I said "Oh my gosh, we'll probably all get ringworm. Honey, please, that cat can't stay in the house. Can we put him in the garage?" DH calmly said "I'll give him a nice bath." I said "He'll scratch you to death, you can't just give strange cats baths. You have to start them with baths as kittens." He said "It'll be alright. He needs us." I am telling you that cat smelled like it had died. DH gave that cat a very uneventful bath. After the bath, the cat curled up in DH's lap with the loudest purr I've ever heard and went to sleep for a couple hours. Now my husband is not one to sit still for 5 minutes but he wouldn't move while that cat slept. Once the cat woke, DH got him more food and water and showed him where the cat boxes were located.

The cat used the cat box and we discovered where the horrible smell was originating. He had a severe case of diarrhea. We had already noticed his teeth were broken in the front. We immediately called our vet who came out the same day. Yeah, we had a vet who made house calls and didn't charge any more than a regular vet. He was so good with the animals. Anyway, he took blood, checked his temp, gave us an antibiotic, checked for a microchip, the whole thing. He told us it looked like he'd been hit by a car. His jaw had been broken but was healing. He probably had been incapacitated for some time before he showed up at our door on Thanksgiving day. When the bloodwork came back it indicated there had been an injury to his kidneys and he didn't look emaciated because they weren't functioning properly. The vet gave him about 5 months to live. We were so sad for him. We just decided to keep him as long as he had and give him the best life possible while he was with us. We named him Oliver Twist.

That cat lasted 7 years and we loved every minute of having him. Once he gained a normal amount of weight he looked bloated due to his kidneys lack of function, but he never seemed to be uncomfortable. He was active and agile in spite of the rotundness of his body. The vet couldn't believe he was still alive. He checked his bloodwork regularly at first and there was never any improvements on his "counts".

For those 7 years that cat was completely devoted to DH, unlike the rest of the animals who favored me because I stayed home with the kids. He followed my DH everywhere he went. Even outside but would stay right with him. When DH sat down, the cat snuggled in. When DH went to the bathroom, the cat went with him. That cat seemed full of joy. He bonded instantly with all the animals in the house and loved the kids without hesitation. He played with anything and everything but always within eyesight of DH. If DH was home, you knew where Oliver was. When DH wasn't home, he went about his business like any of the other cats but did like to sit with me when I did my books on the computer. He was the sweetest cat and when he finally passed away, it was very hard but we felt so proud of those 7 years we gave him. He had a really great life and I can't take any of the credit for that. We miss him still and he's been gone a very long time. We felt lucky he chose us.
Aww, he sounds like such a sweetie.

He is just the greatest. He will even let me pick him up and move him about with out too much fuss.

Night and day from our old roo. Our old one was mean and very aggressive with humans. He attacked my 4 year old daughter, and that was the end of him unfortunately. I was very worried that once the aggressive rooster was gone, that this guy would turn aggressive as well. That has yet to happen and it has been about a month
Beautiful story Deerfield Acres .. I have lost count of how many true stories I have read in which the animal picked the owner, not the other way around.

If you get a chance, can I recommend the following thread:

Yep, it is now 41 pages but a lovely story and updates on Finn and how he picked his new owners and converted a ‘Cat Hater’.

When I met hubby, my cat, Syba, was 6 months old. The first time hubby came to the house Syba adopted him immediately and he has been hubby's cat ever since. Last time hubby went away for work when he got back I told him "Next time you go away you are either taking Me or Syba with you; do not leave me alone with him again!" Syba whinged, whined, sulked, acted up and misbehaved the whole time hubby was gone and kept giving me evil looks as if asking "what have you done with him?!".

Syba follows hubby around the house like a dog at heel; does everything hubby tells him, including sit and ignores every word that comes out of my mouth except "Dinner!" and, after all that, I still love Syba to bits and I do get the occasional cuddle

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