my rooster is lethargic and has dark green runny poop


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2016
my roo was fine yesterday but today he did not crow this morning and seems sick and weak.his poop is dark green with white runny urates.please tell me what to do
Take him out of the flock and put him in a safe location such as a rabbit cage. If he has something contagious, you don't want your other birds exposed to it any longer than necessary. Try to get him to drink water- he doesn't stand any chance if he's dehydrated. Do you have a vet you can take him to?
the only vet that will see chickens around here is about 30 miles away and isn't open until monday.i have him here in the house and keep giving him water and i tried to give him a little pedialite.
my roo was fine yesterday but today he did not crow this morning and seems sick and weak.his poop is dark green with white runny urates.please tell me what to do
Welcome to BYC. How old is he? The green droppings may be from not eating, so you should get him drinking some water with electrolytes and vitamins, such as SaveAChick. Offer him some chopped egg, or raw egg mixed with yogurt and a few bread crumbs. Tuna is another favorite. But fluids are more important, and mixing water into his feed making a thin oatmeal consistancy is a good way to get fluids into him. Do you have other roosters that could be keeping him from eating and drinking? Hot weather can also affect chickens. Feel of his crop to see if it could be impacted, look him over for lice and mites, and consider worming him. You should feel honored that The Chicken Chick answered your very first post, LOL. She is a bit of a hero of ours.
i put some pedialite in his water and he is drinking it and i also gave him some scrambled egg with a little applesauce in it and he loved that but his crop still feels mushy to me even before i gave him the egg and applesauce
i checked him for mites and lice but didn't see anything.i use a couple of drops of frontline on my chickens every 6 weeks as recomended by sherri from california country ranch where i bought them.
If his crop feels mushy early in the morning before he has eaten, he might have sour crop which could be a fungal or bacterial. Can you massage his crop several times a day to see if it goes down?
i will try that!! thank you so much! is there any medicine i should give him
I have had luck with Vitamin C and Pau d'Arco mixed in with plain yoghurt. Vit. C is ascorbic acid and Pau d'Arco is an herbal remedy for yeast, which is usually what causes sour crop. Try not to feed him simple carbs for a couple of days, including the corn in his food.

Other members have had success using Monistat suppositories, do a search for the thread. I have not and lost both birds I tried it on. I think that it's a bit toxic.

Good luck, Mary
omg,thank you so much for helping me with my little roo!!!! the vitamin c and pau d'Arco worked amazingly!!! he's back to his old self and back outside with the girls! you are awesome!thanks debra

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