My rooster is pecking the head of one chicken


5 Years
Jun 3, 2014
Hello forum! This site has been a wealth of information for me since taking up chickens! Thank you! I have a problem. One of the sweetest chickens who has now become the low chicken on the totem pole is being chased and pecked at by the rooster. My other girls do not peck her but the rooster does. She tries to hide but when he finally catches her she squats down and he proceeds to peck the hell out of her head, over and over unless I break it up which I cannot do 100% of the time. They are all free range. Should I isolate the one chicken for good in her own area? If he kills her will he then pick on a new chicken that becomes the low chicken on the pecking order? Thank you for sharing your experience!
I am having the same trouble with bullying, but mine is a hen pecking a hen. She has just about blinded her in both eyes and has ripped skin from the back of her head. I thought it was my over-amorous drake because I would see him constantly grabbing her by the neck, but I got rid of him yesterday and actually watched one of the other hens go after this one today. I am not certain that the bully I saw is the only bully I have. What makes them do this? The one who has been injured is the sweetest hen I have. She loves to be held. I have separated the injured one from all the others. I don't have time to stand around in the coop all day long to see who the culprit(s) are. Any ideas? Will they quit or is this going to continue?
Hi Momaroo, sorry to hear you are having the same issue as me. I hope some of the more experienced farmers can chime in and tell us what the heck this is about and how to remedy it. Short of keeping her cooped up all day, I am not sure what else to do. I suppose that is better than being injured or killed. : > (
I have a 4 month old Australorp pullet that has the back of her head completly picked bloody. I have her in the run together with the others...she is in a cage seperated from the other hens. Its only one hen that continues to attack her. Any suggestions?

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