My runt is being bullied


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 26, 2012
Rimersburg, PA
I have 8 chicks. 2 Bared Rocks and 6 Buff Orphingtons. They are 5 weeks except for one buff she's 6 weeks. I recently had to isolate my runt due to feet sores. She is mostly better and we decided to put her back with the flock. I tried a few days ago and all the other chicks chased her around pecking her. so I took her out again. And tried again today. One of the other checks that i can tell is a roo was more aggressive with her today than last time. It looked like he bit down on the back of her neck a few times. The poor runt hides in the corner away from the other bird.. My question is what do I do? The runt seems to be my most sweet tempered bird she runs right over and jumps in my hand where the other scatter when i come near. I'm not sure if I should protect it or let her find her own feet in the group.
Aw...I have a runt buff, too, but she's not being bullied like yours. I think you will probably have to let her find her place, unless she's injured or bleeding - then she needs to be separated until healthy. I'm sure more informed members will have better advice for you - maybe pulling the roo out and letting the chick find her place with the flock, then putting him back and let him be the 'new kid'.

It's hard to watch the little one get hammered - I usually try to run interference for mine at treat time, just to make sure she gets some, but other than that she's on her own. Good luck!
I had a similar issue when I introduced my EE to my existing flock. Currently i have 2 BR's, 3 RIR's and I EE.
My RIR;s are angels. So sweet and welcoming. My 2 BR's are sweet as well but do more of the bulling--that I am not a fan of at all.

I did the three week introduction with CW between them and then put two of the RIR's in with the EE so they would all meet and greet properly,

Then i merged them all and did supervised pen time. I sat in their pen with all six hens to make sure that they did not all pick on her. It went well, I still see the BR's try and pull rank. Nothing cray but it still bothers me. I also found that free ranging them helped a lot. I would watch them file into their pen, then the coop and up onto the roosting bar. At first the BR's would try and nudge her off the bar or off to the side of the rest of them. It really ****** be off!! So I would always remove the one hen that was doing the bulling and put the EE in her spot. LOL LOL too bad!.

Within a week to two weeks all was resolved.
Good luck!!
It is so hard for the mother in me to watch. It doesn't help when she comes running to the door to be held whenever I walk by. She also hides by my feet if I stand in the coop. I have noticed her hiding under and around some of the other females so that makes me feel a little better.

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