My silkies


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 1, 2014
south africa
hi everyone.I have 4 silkie chickens,about 8 months old. One of the hens recently started laying and has layed 5 eggs so far. How many eggs will she lay in total? I dont think she is sitting on them yet,when will she start sitting on them? We have 3 hens and 1 rooster so I think the eggs are fertile, please help?
Generally silkies are prone to be broodies but, not every one of them will be. It's not so much how many eggs they have laid (silkies will even brood "nothing.") but, staying on the nest all day and night and having to be forced off to eat, drink and poo.

If you silkie exhibits this behavior and growls when you approach her eggs & fluffs up like she will attack you, she is taking broodiness seriously.

It is a hormonal thing and you can't summon it at will. There are many silkie threads on BYC, if you put that in the search box they should pop up. You could ask the silkie people for further info. on this.

Welcome to BYC!

Good luck with your Silkies. I hope your broodies hatch you some spring chicks soon!

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