My son just passed his eagle scout board of review.


pays attention sporadically
10 Years
May 22, 2009
North Central Florida

whew. (I know those parents who have gotten through it know what I mean.)

Now he can get to wear the patch on his shirt for six WHOLE months before he is 18.
Most kids whiff by like... on their 18th birthday. So I am proud!!
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YIPPIE!  :ya :weee :celebrate

whew. (I know those  parents who have gotten through it know what I mean.)  

Now he can get to wear the patch on his shirt for six WHOLE months before he is 18.
Most kids whiff by like... on their 18th birthday. So I am proud!!

Congrats! Just went to another eagle court of honor this weekend, everyone in our troop seems to be having them right now! Every weekend is taken up by them! :barnie

whew. (I know those parents who have gotten through it know what I mean.)

Now he can get to wear the patch on his shirt for six WHOLE months before he is 18.
Most kids whiff by like... on their 18th birthday. So I am proud!!

Congratulations. Do you have any other sons in scouting?

What is your son planning to do after high school -- college, job, military, etc.?
He is wanting to go into engineering. So he is working very hard to be considered for scholarships.
It is just him. But he has been in scouting since cub scouts, So I feel like we have had a big accomplishment, like a graduation.

I know the feeling of just about every weekend being taken up by scouting activities. He had four scouts working on their eagle projects since last December. If he wasn't working on his, he was helping his friends work on theirs.

Since he started with his troop all but one scout has made eagle. It has been a sincere group of kids.
I am very proud of all of them, but his is bitter sweet because the troop is disbanding. He will be the last eagle. He has to now find another troop to finish the next 8 months with.
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Congratulations to your son and family. This is indeed a family endeavor. What was his Eagle project? Sad that the troop is disbanding. I was a Webelos leader for that 'interim' year my son was involved. Turned out stretching into 7 or 8 years because no one else gave a darn. When I had my last group of kids, I said, "No more. I'm seeing these boys through this year, and then I am done." Sadly no one stepped up. I really liked working with the boys. The attitudes and disinterest of many of the parents drove me nuts.
He built outdoor benches and a fire ring for his old cub scout pack. There is a stage area so they can have their cross overs and meetings. The church also uses it for the youth group and it is aimed correctly for sunrise services.

He was fortunate that in the troop that he was in most- if not all- of the fathers were actively involved in their son's troop. It is disbanding because the church that sponsored it felt that the new laws allowing gay boys into scouting were against their core beliefs.
I had a difficult time holding my tongue over that, but it is not my church and they were very supportive up to that time.
...okay, I did not hold my tongue too awfully well, I find it terribly disappointing. I think all children can benefit from scouting and ... oh well.

We Held cub scout meetings at our house for years. Every time I griped about the EXACT same thing you are bemoaning, The pack leader would remind me what BSA stood for:
Baby Sitters of America. Sometime parents would not retrieve their kid until 10:30 pm on a school night. grrrr.
But there were some diligent and self sacrificing cub scout parents as well. We do what we do for our own kids, But we still meet some great human beings along the way.

I think that is why I came here to brag about my kid. You all are some of the great people that I have met along the way. BYC is kinda family by now, and you all have to take it.
Baby Sitters of America - that part I could take. Drunken parents showing up way too late for their kids. What killed me was the kids who would work so hard for their awards, and then no one would show up at the awards ceremonies. It broke my heart. Today these 'kids' are grown men with nearly adult children of their own. To them I am still Mr Wallace and get a big hug whenever we meet. That's my reward - I helped in some fashion. I too think that such decisions are short sighted and Lord knows I am from another era.
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What is that Garrison Keller quote? something about the time you spend on a child is never wasted?
It is true.
Children are some of the best people some parents never bother to meet. That always makes me sad.

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