My story and my inherited French Maran Chickens

Krs Yng Chicks

7 Years
Jul 7, 2016
South West Florida

Thought I would share some photos of my "almost flock" of I think all French Marans. I have been babysitting these beauties for over a year on and off and now my neighbor is moving and can't take the chicks with her... so I am inheriting them all and the coop! I am so excited.

I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off playing catch up to learn everything I need to know! Just babysitting a weekend or a week here and there has not really taught me much.

My husband is building a brand new 8 x 8 coop with a large run for them and we will use the smaller coop we are given for other chickens later. (I think that one is about a 4x8.) I have my heart set on some dual breed Heritage birds, still studying up on them and although I already have some favorites I need to make sure they are compatible with HOT and HUMID of SW Florida, among other things. The flock will free range as they have been doing up till now from dawn till dusk.

Would appreciate any opinions on these photos.... not sure, well except for Mr. Big Cock who is who. There are some smaller pullets/cockerals that are somewhat shunned still by the others, about 5 of those... and a few hens, which I can tell by how their back feathers are missing, sadly. Mr. BC is always chasing them around and they don't seem very enthusiastic, lol. They haven't been handled much so I am working on that, having a little success with the pullets/cockerals. Not that I have held any, but I can get them now to come near me.... haha, I am the Goddess of Goodies they have discovered. I guess that will take time.

I want to be a really good chicken mom.

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