MY STORY-The wolven kind, Dark skys-tell me what ya think


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Somewhere in the sticks
The wolves of yellow stone have always run strong, many generations of four packs have now been cut to two, two packs, two brave leaders, now face a different challenge, wolves are being hunted, not as prey, not as enemies, but as trophies, for generations the packs have lived in peace away from their one true predator, man, but all that is about to change.

Snowmoon- solid white she-wolf with dark blue eyes-Alpha female, has two pups.5 seasons(years) old her mate was killed several moons ago

Brackishclaw-dark brown male with black ticking in his fur, deep yellow eyes, beta male, he is mates with Lilyleaf.3 seasons old

Rainfeather-hunter,dark gray she-wolf with black ticking in her fur, her eyes are ringed with gray while her face is mostly black,she is mates with Racoontail and has one pup, Troutwing. 3 seasons old

Troutwing-,newly made hunter, looks exactly the same as his mother, his father is raccoontail, 14 moons old (1 season and 2 moons)

Raccoontail-hunter,jet black male with deep amber colored eyes that change from amber to deep yellow depending on his mood, has a uniqly black and grey ringed tail, which gave him his name (4 seasons old)

Lilyleaf-hunter,dark brown she-wolf with black ticking in her fur,light green eyes, she is carrying Brackishclaws pups. 3 seasons and 2 moons old.

Sage-pup,Light gray colored she-wolf with darker blue eyes, Snowmoons daughter, 4 moons old.

Raven-pup, dusty black colored male with lime-green eyes,Snowmoons son, 4 moons old.

The sun shown brightly overhead as midday made it's way to scene. A herd of white tailed deer grazed lazily in a meadow below. In the middle there stood a large buck, his great antlers so weighted down with points that they had begun to curve and twist. A single lithe shape lay in the tall reeds above the deer, it's snow white pelt reflected the sun brightly but the deer could not see. Their earthy scent filled the creatures nostrils, as the wind drifted lazily toward her. "Good," she thought, "A good hunting day." Glancing around she spied more shapes slowly drifting into place.

Slowly the white creature rose to a hunch, her eyes fixed on her target, she burst from the reeds down the slope. Others joined her as she ran, and the deer broke in a panic, the large buck in the lead. The wolves gave chase, the snow white she-wolf at the head, her dark blue eyes fixed on the head deer. Two wolves, identical in steely gray pelt their only difference being their sizes, locked onto a small doe. A gray and a brown wolf chased a small fawn whilst the white wolf trailed the large twisted-antlered buck as he broke from the herd toward the wooded plains.

Nearby the two metallic gray wolves took down the doe, but the white wolf sped up her pace. "I've got you now, great one," she thought. The huge buck twisted and turned, dodging trees as they grew thicker. The ivory huntress found it hard to keep up, but finally she was just a leap away from her quarry. She bunched her powerful muscles and bounded, her jaws open, ready to snap shut on the deers flesh. The buck too made a quick jump and the white wolf landed just a few hairs short, she stood panting as the great deer bounded away. Laying her ears back she gave a frustrated snarl, and turned to pad back to the hunters.

The rest of the wolves lay in the clear meadow below. As she approached, the large brown male rose to greet her with a wagging tail and a lick on the muzzle. "You were unsuccessful?" he asked the white wolf. She shot him an angry look and bared her teeth in a silent growl, and laid down panting.

"Why do you chase him so, Snowmoon?" the brown wolf questioned.
"You know of the stories Brackishclaw," Snowmoon answered simply,
"The stories. Yes, I know of them," Brackishclaw answered. "But, alpha, look, we were not unsuccessful, Rainfeather and Troutwing brought down a doe, our pack will feed well tonight!" He grinned triumphantly, licking Snowmoon on her head. "This is true Brackishclaw, but you know of the legend of the great buck, a deer like that would feed out pack for a half moon at least. Not just a few meals as this doe will," she said, nodding at the kill the male had been so proud of.

Brackishclaw gave a disapproved snort. "You would have us eating crow-meal? By half-moon the meat would be rotten!"
"No, dear Brackishclaw," Snowmoon growled rising to her paws, "Not if you hide the body in a fast flowing stream, the water would not stagnate around the carcass and keep it fresh." Turning to the rest of the gathered wolves, she shouted, "Good job to my hunters!, I am proud of you all! we will feed well because of you! Now, let us rally the pack to this meal, and give thanks to the deer who gave her life for us so that we may keep ours!" The hunters, including Brackishclaw, gave out yelps and growls of agreement. Snowmoon rose her muzzle into the sky and belted out a loud, long howl. The others joined in.

The great buck may have escaped, but tomorrow was another day. And today, Thunderpack would eat well.

Below in a clearing several dens had been dug out of the sides of the banks, in the center two wolf pups growled and yapped energetically in play.

"take that, you deer!" the smaller of the pups, a dusty-grey she-wolf growled as she lunged at the second, larger pup,

grabbing his scruff with her teeth and halling him onto the dusty ground. The male pup stiffened under his sisters lighter weight, "what's wrong raven?, why have you stopped playing??" the grey she-wolf asked.

"Mother's back" he yipped, " I wonder if they've made a kill!" he barked excitedly, both pups sprang up as a white she-wolf loped into the clearing, followed by the rest of the pack, the pups greeted their mother with a series of whines, tucking their ears back and tails beneath their legs, they licked at their mothers muzzle, Snowmoon licked both of her pups in turn, she rolled Raven over with her muzzle and gently roughed him with an open mouth, Sage bounced at her mothers' head, grappling her ear with her fore-paws.

"calm, my pups" Snowmoon soothed, and the pups steadied their play, "I have a surprise for you, my little ones, you're going to your first kill with the pack", Sage and raven exchanged excited glances, this was the first time they were to be allowed very far from the dens, up until now, the pack would bring them back fresh meat from the kills and they'd eat it here, now they were going TO the kill as part of the pack!

Sage could barely hold back her excitment as their mother led the pack back out into the forest, she started off at a slow trot, the older pack members fanned out behind her, the pups were at the back, " I can't believe we're actually out here! Sage yipped, darting here and there, sniffing at every plant and hole she could find, 'I know!" Raven agreed, his voice was shakey with excitment "I can't wait!" he bounced, pelting after Sage as she sniffed furiously at a rabbit hole.

Troutwing slowed his pace near the rear of the pack, 'you two excited?" he asked, both pups nodded joining him "I remember what that is like" he murmured "back when I was first out of the clearing, going to my first kill with the pack, Kestrelfeather and I...-" Troutwing stopped short, his eyes clouded with grief, Kestrelfeather was his sister, she had been killed many moons ago by man who had invaded their territory and killed half the pack, including the pups father,Bearfur, Sage and Raven had not yet been born, so they didn't remember, but Troutwing clearly didn't want to talk about it anymore.

The pups followed the pack in silence, watching Troutwing ahead of them, his head and tail drooped, they knew that there was nothing they could say to ease his grieving over his lost sister, Raven looked at Sage, he didn't know what would happen if he ever lost his,

Snowmoon halted the pack with a growl, raising her tail, she waited until the pack had filed along beside her, Raven pushed his way inbetween his mother and Brackishclaw, he could see the deer clearly, laying at the edge of the meadow, untouched, the crow-meal eaters clearly had not found the body.

Snowmoon gave the signal to move, and the pack loped down the hill into the meadow, glancing at the sky, Snowmoon barked "we must eat our fill quickly", Raven followed his mothers gaxe, above he could see a few buzzards lazily circling high in the sky, he knew from what the pack had taught him and buzzards would bring other predators to an easy meal.

Raven tussled for position at the caracuss, he was surprised as he was jockeyed back and forth, he glanced beside him to see that even Sage was having a tough time eating what with being pushed and shoved, Raven tried to ignore the vicious growls and snarls of his pack mates as they ate as fast as they dared.

Sage reeled back as Brackishclaw slammed into raccoontail, his great jaws snapped at the black wolfs ear, racoontail retaliated by slashing his teeth across the beta males muzzle, could he do that? obviously, because no wolf looked concerned. so this was what REAL pack life was like beyond the safety of the shltered clearing, where every wolf got on so well?, to Sage, it was both terrifying, but yet, it felt right some was natural, she supposed, she drug her way back inbetween the tussling bodies of raccoontail and Troutwing, when Racoontail's massivehead threatened to push her out of the way, she flattened her ears and snarled as agressively as she dared, to her amazment, the large male withdrew his head, and went on to bicker with Troutwing.

...In the days that passed since the pups had gone to their first kill as part of the pack, Sage and Raven had attended two more kills, each time was more exciting to Sage than the last, though Raven had seemed acustomed by now.

On this day, their mother, Snowmoon had taken the pups out into the meadow, Lilyleafs' pups had been born the evening before, five healthy pups, five more wolves to make the pack stronger, Snowmoon reflected, she had brought the pups out to the meadow this day because it was the pups fifth moon, it was time for them to learn the territory, all of it's scents, sights, and sounds, as well as the packs boundries which seperated them, from their neighboring pack, Shadowpack.

"now listen" Snowmoon murmured quietly as she padded swiftly along, her pace surprised Sage, even Raven seemed to be having trouble keeping up, "we are going to a long way today, we are going to circle half our territory, then go back" the packs territory had become larger since their direct boardering neighbor pack, Creelpack was wiped out by man many many moons ago, Thunderpack claimed their territory, just as Shadowpack had claimed Windpacks' territory when they too, were wiped out.

Sadness clouded Snowmoons eyes, she had been friends with many wolves from both packs, shaking her head to clear the thoughts away, she turned back to the pups "this is your first time out, there are many dangers out here, so you two MUST be silent, you are here to learn, not play", Sage and Raven nodded silently, "good" Snowmoon murmured, "follow me", Snowmoon set off at a trot, that rolled into a sprint, the pups struggled to keep pace.

Sage and Raven listened silently as their mother explained this scent, and that one, which was fresh, which was old, bear,deer,elk,bison,cougar, and bobcat "you'll rarely scent fox" she explained "they rarely stay in one place long".

The sun was high in the sky by the time they stopped to rest beside a slow flowing river, she stopped to allow the pups to drink "we're on the edge of Shadowpacks boundries now, be silent and smell!, do you scent anything?" she asked encouraginly,

"I smell wolves.." Sage murmured, "she's right" Raven agreed lifting his nose to the wind blowing toward them "they smell...similar to use, but different...". "Thats right" Snowmoon growled "that is Shadowpack, you have kin there, my brothers..." Snowmoon murmured.

"really?" Raven squeaked in surprise "why are your brothers in that pack and not with you?, "it's a long, complicated story my pup" Snowmoon sighed "but I suppose you're old enough to know now, come, I'll tell you on the way back to the hollow"

AND that is all I've got thus far, I'm writting more today. hope you enjoy!
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saying that people should read or youll cry is sorta forceful. maybe instead you could put. Please read lots of work put into my story.
Sages' mind reeled with thoughts as she lay comfortably beside her mother in their den, on the way back to the sheltered hollow Snowmoon had told them of her father, Falconmoon, he had been pack alpha before Snowmoon, she told the pups of how, after Falconmoon died, she and her litter-mate brothers, Foxtail and Jaywing were next in line, and when she was just known as Snowpelt, and of how three wolves born to the alpha pair could never share Alpha duties when their parents died, she had told then of how, their kinship died with bitter fighting, eventually both of her brothers were forced out as rouges when the pack sided with Snowmoon, and deciced that she, not her brothers was the best fit as Alpha.

As she reflected on the story, Sage told herself that she would like to be Alpha one day, she didn't like the thought that one day her mother would not be there to help she or her brother, she also didn't quite understand why it was that she AND Raven couldn't both be alpha of the pack.

There was a clamber of excitment around the hollow, Brackishclaw sat proudly at the entrence to the nursery den, today was he and Lilyleafs' pups' first moon, that meant that for the first time, the tiny pups could be seen by the rest of the pack, Sage had never seen them, only Snowmoon had been on the day of their birth to see them, the rest of the pack ambled around the clearing, thier excitment buzzing like a swarm of bees, Sage watched as a tiny yip came from the den, and Lilyleaf pushed her way through the narrow opening, "come along, it's alright pups" she soothed her young.

Sage started as the first, tiny muzzle poked it's way out of the den, followed cautiously by another, the first pup stumbled out of the den and tumbled to the ground, looking around with bright, pup-blue eyes, it's pelt was a rich dark brown with a peppered black stripe running down it's spine.

"this is Moss, he's my last born" Lilyleaf announced to the pack, she turned to look as a second, dark grey pup with ticked black and white fur tumbled from the den, and looked around with the same excitedly wide-eyed expression, "this is Feather, she is my first born" Lilyleaf announced.

Time passed and three more pups tumbled out from the den, a solid black male pup with a white spot on his muzzle,Lilyleaf called Night,

Another dark brown pup with the same peppered black stripe running down her spine, Lilyleaf called her Cherry.

and the last, the smallest pup was a male, solid brown with no ticked furs or anything Lilyleaf called Oak,

The tiny pups huddled in a clusted infront of their mother while the pack came to greet them, Brackishclaw was the first to greet his pups, his eyes shown brightly as he gazed at his pups, then back at his mate, he gave Lilyleaf an affeectionate lick on the muzzle and murmured something Sage couldn't hear, Raccoontail was next, he sniffed each pup in turn and turned to the proud new parents "wonderful pups, they'll serve the pack well one day" he murmured, Sage waited until Rainfeather, then Troutwing greeted the pups, Sage noticed Raven holding back, she did the same.

"well come over, you two" Brackishclaw called, his voice friendly and full of affection, "come greet your new family members" Lilyleaf called softly, raven padded slowly over, and sniffed the pups, recoiling as one gave a tiny growl and jumped playfully at ravens muzzle, he bent back, looking embarassed, and licked the tiny pups head "welcome to the pack, little ones" he murmured,he looked up at the new parents he murmured 'congratulations" and padded away,

Sage noticed that her bother had a little more bounce in his walk, and he held his tail up proudly, Sage padded to the pups that were now falling asleep,she sniffed them gently, breathing in their pup-scent, it was soft,warm and milky, each pup smelled different, only slightly, but each had a differnt scent that the last, she would remember their scents for the rest of their lives, "they're very cute" she murmured quietly, "thank you" Lilyleaf murmured, her eyes soft and sleepy, Sage padded away, she even found herself a bit happier, new pups for the pack, one day she would be running along beside them on the hunt, one of them may even be her beta if she ever became pack leader!
"Today, you're going to practice hunting"...Snowmoons' voice sounded and Raven snapped his attention back to his mother, he hadn't missed the irritated look in her eyes before it flickered away, Sage, as always was listening intently to their mother.

"As I was saying" Snowmoon growled casting another irritated glance at her son, "today you both start your hunting training, you're going to start small, with rabbits, then as you progress we'll move on to larger prey, until that day" Snowmoon paused to stand and gestured with a flick of her tail towards the mooreland behind her, "this, is your hunting ground", Snowmoon waved her tail once more, a signal for Troutwing to pad forward.

"Troutwing will intruct you briefly on hunting rabbits, but he will not interfere", Snowmoon gazed at Troutwing and he nodded to show he understood he was not to help in any way, stepping back, Snowmoon let the young male take her place.

"Rabbits are fast" Troutwing began, Sage was listening with the same intensity that she had been with their mother, Raven just rolled his eyes 'every wolf knows rabbits are fast, moss for brains' he thought,"....and so you have to reach them before they get to the burrow, if you can, place your body between the rabbit and it's hole, and it'll have no choice but to run into one of your jaws" Troutwing finished,

Raven waited to see if he was going to say more, but Troutwing had already stood to pad away, only stopping to call over his shoulder "good luck!"

'oh, bear dung!' Raven thought, Sage was already slinking towards the flat land behind them, "come ON!, Raven, remember what Troutwing said!?, TEAMWORK" she growled over her shoulder, Raven stood and sondered to her side, suddenly wishing he would have paid attention.

they were six moons old now, and this was their first hunting lesson, meant to be more fun than for the pack, whatever they caught they were allowed to keep and eat, they would train like this until the following new-leaf, only then, when they made a large kill with the pack, would they earn their full pack names, the leaves on the trees were beginning to change from deep emerald greens to shades of yellow and orange,even the short grass on the moores and the long,rolling grasses on the meadows were turning colors, signaling the beginning of leaf-fall-time.

Raven and Sage lay quiet as the rabbits themselves, waiting for one to break from it's burrow to feed, raven glanced over his shoulder,his heart dropped when he saw his mother, and Troutwing looking at them with bright expectant eyes, their mother was proud, everything from the way her eyes shown, to the way she lay, tensed on the hill, as if she were already waiting to rush down and congratulate her pups told Raven that she was more proud than he could imagine, 'STUPID wolf!' he cursed at himself 'why didn't I listen!?, I'm going to let her down!'.

Sage had broken the cover, she was haring down the slope so fast that Raven had missed it, caught up in his thoughts he hadn't noticed the rabbit that was sprinting across the mooreland, rising to his paws so quickly, that he nearly tripped, Raven pelted after his sister, he wasn't going to mess this up, not on his first hunt-training!.

Raven bounded along just a tails-length from his sister, his eyes fixed on the brown cotton-tail that was speeding along a fox-length ahead, the rabbit swerved, and Raven rushed ahead, feeling his paws aching beneath him, his lungs screaming at him for more air, he sped up his breathing, Sage had gained on the rabbit now, as the rabbit turned, barely a pup-stwp from her snapping jaws, she slipped and went toppling into a bramble patch "BEAR DUNG!" he heard his sister snarl.

The rabbit was headed sraight for the thick tangled spines of another large Bramble patch, Ravens heart sank as it slipped under the prickly plant, he skidded to a stop, and paced back and forth, whining at the rabbits entry hole.

Raven heard paw steps apporaching, and heard his sisters sharp snarl beside him "this was YOUR fault!" she snarled so fiercly that for a second, Raven thought she might lunge and shred his ear "if you had of been paying attention before we started, we could've-OH you messed EVERYTHING up Raven!", Sages voice was taunt with anger and sadness, it was one puney rabbit,why was she so upset at him?

"I WAS paying attention, thank you!" he shot back, "maybe if you'd have not waited so long to turn-", Troutwings excited bark cut him off

"that was EXCELLENT!!!" he called bounded up to the two smaller wolves, play bowing and nipping at their muzzles, "That was so close!, Kestrelfeather and I NEVER got that close to catching a rabbit our first few goes!, it took us nealry two moons before we made our first pair kill!", for once, Troutwing mentioned his sister without being stung, and upset, his eyes shown nothing but excitment. 'I was about ready to join you, but Snowmoon held me back, well?, how was it, was it fun??"

Sage and raven exchanged confused glances, their anger forgotten, 'you know, that was fun!" Raven yapped "hard, and now i'm exhasuted, but fun!" he panted

"but-but we failed, didn't we?" Sages quiet whine broke in, "weren't we meant to-", another voice cut her off this time, Sage whipped her head around as her mother padded slowly towards them

"young pup" she murmured quietly, licking Sage on her ear "you've both got plenty of time to master rabbit hunting, Troutwing is right, I've not seen two young wolves work so good together, most of the time they want to push and shove and be the FIRST to catch the rabbit, that was Troutwings problem"

Snowmoon smirked, shooting Troutwing a playful glance. "you don't have to be the best, or the first at the kill, that is not what these lessons are about" she went on more serious now "they are about teamwork, and pack hunting, you must read your hunting parteners body, read the way his body moves, sense when he is going to turn, swerve, or jump, watch your prey too, as a hunter, you should be in tune with your prey, watch it's movement, it's muscles beneath it's flesh, if you are not completely ready for you preys next move, he will outsmart you, and your pack with be tired and hungry"

she looked at both pups, who were listened closely now, even Raven was paying attention "it's about survival, not just mindless killing, survival for us means killing, yes, but survival for your prey, means he must NOT be killed,if you just rush in blindly with nothing but the kill on your mind, you might as well learn to speak crow, and eat with them as well, butcause you'll find yourselves eating crow-meal" there was warmth in their mothers voice, but a serious edge to it as well, what she was saying, both pups knew, was the truth.

"come now" Snowmoon growled as she stood up to leave the mooreland, "the pack will want to know how you've done"
You really need to work on your basic writing skills - your capitalization, grammar and punctuation all need to improve. Your continued use of run on sentences, for instance, make it very difficult to read. Dialogue punctuation is another area you should go over.

If possible, could you take some refresher courses as a local community college? If not, there are great books available that teach proper English and writing.

Good luck!
Shadowpack wolves
Tawnymoon-Sandy colored she-wolf with black and grey ticking in her fur,dark yellow eyes, Alpha female, 6 seasons old.

Foxtail-Dark brown male with black ticking in his fur, and a white tip on his tail, deep amber eyes, Alpha male, Snowmoons brother,5 seasons old.

Jaywing- beta male,Light grey male with white ticking in his fur, light yellow eyes, Foxtail and Snowmoons brother, 5 seasons old.

Pineheart-Beta female, dark gray she-wolf, deep amber eyes, Jaywings mate, carrying jaywings pups, 6 seasons old.

Russetflight-hunter,deep orange/brown colored she-wolf, deep green eyes, mates with Tangleclaw, 3 seasons old.

Tangleclaw-hunter, dark gray male with medium yellow eyes, 4 seasons old

Viperwind-hunter, white she-wolf with green eyes, mates with Haronfeather, carrying Haronfeathers pups. 4 seasons old. Tangleclaws sister.

Haronfeather-Hunter, light grey male with green eyes, 5 seaosn old.
yes I know
, I never could get the hang of all that junk you just talked about LOL, thus is WHY grammer and math were my weak points in school

I've tried the whole community college thing before, but the only one close to me wants blasted money to take courses in anything, how much money?, too rediculously much!

I'll have to hit the library one night when I'm not swamped with this and that

come to think of it, my grammer teacher was never very good, though she did let us bring our pets into class, which was awesome.
The pack had welcomed Snowmoon and the pups back eagerly, even Lilyleaf's pups, who had only been coming from the den for seven runrises, had bounded over to greet the returning wolves.

That night, Sage dreamed, she dreamed of bounding over the rise that led into the meadow, below her a herd of deer stood watching as she rushed past them, she looked back to see her pack following her happily through the tall grasses, "follow me!" she called.

As she looked back, she crashed into an animal with black fur, she took a step back, to realize it was Raven, fully grown, his blazing amber eyes gleamed at her, he bared his massive teeth in a snarl, 'I'm going to be pack Alpha, not you!" he snarled as he lunged forward...

Sage woke with a yelp as thunder crashed from outside the den, whining she buried herself deeper into her mothers fur, Raven was asleep beside her, peacfully twitching as if, he too were dreaming.

'it was just a dream' Sage reminded herself as she drifted back into sleep, but she couldn't help wondering, when their mother did die, which one of them would be chosen to be Alpha?, but wait, Ravens eyes weren't Amber...they were green!, Sages eyes flew back open, if the wolf in her dream wasn't her brother...then who was it?, as she thought, she realized that the only other black wolf in the pack, was Racoontail...

The days rolled by, seemingly merging from one to the other, nearly every day when the Leaf-fall-time weather allowed them, Snowmoon took her pups out to the mooreland to practice their rabbit hunting.

"well done Sage!" her called as the young wolf padded up to her, and dropped a large rabbit at her paws, Sage heard her brother scoff, "lucky catch" he growled padding away, the last couple days, Sage had made all the rabbit-kills while her brother had been lucky to catch a mouthful of fur. Sage picked up her rabbit and padded over to Raven, "do you want to share it with me?" she asked.

Raven rounded on her,viciously baring his teeth, "NO i don't want your stupid rabbit!, i want to catch my OWN rabbit!", Sage recoiled at his vicious tone, her dream of days ago had made the young she-wolf wary of her brother, she had also been keeping a close eye on racoontail as well, the older wolf had shown no hint of any kind of mistrust at all, she wondered if it was just that, a dream, but Ravens attitude lately had her nervious.

Sage looked back to see her mother speaking sharply to Raven, her fangs were bared in a harsh snarl, and the young males ears were flat to his head, and he gazed at the ground, flinching as his mother spoke.

Sage wasn't hungry, and besides Lilyleafs' pups were now old enough to try their first bit of fresh meat, she picked up her rabbit, and waited for Raven and her mother to take the lead back to the hollow, atleast Lilyleaf might be grateful to her.
Pawsteps rustled through the fallen leaves under what was once i thick sheltered canopy, now only a few shriveled leaves clung desperately to a few branches, as if they didn't want to give up green-leaf-time just yet.

A cool wind blew into Sages face, ahead of her Brackenclaw, Rainfeather, and Troutwing padded along silently.

They weren't hunting, but the boarders of their territory needed freshening, Sage knew that Shadowpack were sneaky, and would jump at the chance to hunt on Thunderpacks land, despite the fact that they had a territory slightly larger than her packs.

The patrol stopped to rest at the edge of the river, where Snowmoon had explained the scents only a couple moons before, the three older wolves stopped to lap up a refreshing drink of the cool water, Sage was eager to get going, something was on the wind, something..that didn't smell right.

As the wolves turned to head back to the hollow, an ear-splitting Yelp came from nearby, Sage jumped, her ears flattened against her head, she glanced around wildly, was the pack under attack??, no, the older wolves were calm, suddenly the loud yelp echoed acrossacross the mooreland once more.

"Look there!" Rainfeather barked, Sage followed their gazes, across the river, far into Shadowpack territory, a lone wolf-shape pelted swiftly across the clearing, was it hunting?, no, it was RUNNING from something!

A new scent filled Sage with terror, suddenly she spotted a new shape haring its way across the moore, it's tawny-brown fur and black tipped tail told Sage that it wa sa cougar, a large one, by it's scent she could tell it was male, and it was chasing the wolf!

'SHOULD WE HELP!?" Sage yowled as she stared in horror but none of the others seemed to hear her, the wolf was terrified, it yelped and snarled as it bolted desperately across the drying grass, it's ears lay flat against it's head, it's mouth opened in a snarl, tail tucked between it's legs.

Sage let out a gasp as the great cat lunged forward, extending one of it's powerful fore-legs to trip the wolf, Sage turned away as the wolf tumbled head over tail into the grass, Sage heard a painful yelp as she could only guess that the cats jaws made contact with his preys flesh.

the other wolves had turned and begun to pad away, back towards the hollow, Sage could pick up no feeling from any of them, how could they just turn and leave?, not even trying to help, Sage tried not to look back, but as she cast one last glance over her shoulder, she saw the great tawny cat picking his way through the tall grass, he held in his jaws, the body of the wolf, much like a mother would hold her young, by it's neck, but Sage could see that the cats teeth were firmly planted into his preys throat, the young wolves body drug limply across the ground, Sage couldn't help but spot the savage satisfaction on the cats face.

"he'll most likely not eat it" a solum voice broke into her thoughts, Brackishclaw had stopped to pad beside her.

"huh?,what?" Sage stammered, her thought still planted on the terrified shrieks of the lone wolf.

"the cat" Brackishclaw murmured again "it's a pity, but he most likely will not eat that wolf"

"but why not, what do you mean?"

"competition" the large male growled, "I know what you're thinking, but that wolf was most likely part of no pack...and if he was, then I pity Shadowpack for what cowards they've become"

"but why would the cougar just kill a wolf like that?" Sage growled "it doesn't make sense"

"no it does" Brackishfur answered, "you see, it's all about the prey this time of the season, we are prey-eaters, and so is the cougar, we eat the same prey he does, so that means that in leaf-fall-time and in snow-fall-time when prey is at it's most scare or hardest to catch, the cougar as a prey-eater wants as little compitition as he can get"

"but why-"

"he would do that to any of the prey-eaters" brackishclaw broke in again, seemling knowing what the young she-wolf was going to ask

"be it a fox,a wolf,a bobcat, or even a young bear, it doesn't matter to him this time of year, but he will not eat another prey-eater"

"but WHY?" Sage whined, feeling exhausted, as if she were being chased herself, what Brackishclaw was saying really made no sense to her.

"that is just the way it is, Prey-eaters kill other prey-eaters, but will not eat them, just the same way as the prey, a buck deer may kill another buck fighting for a mate, but he will not stop and eat him" brackishclaw explained.

Sage just shook her head as they made it to the hollow, she was tired and feeling jumpy after what she had just seen, everything had been so different while she was out with the pack, not the cozy, sheltered life she had as a young pup, nothing like that to worry about, everything was easier then, she kind of wished she could go back.

The young wolf flopped down in the center of the hollow, Raven was playing with Lilyleafs pups, they would soon be old enough to leave the hollow for the first time, she envied them, so young and care-free, only their imaginary prey-and predator gmaes to keep them busy.

Sage turned her attention to her mother and Brackishclaw

"....on Shadowpack territory, but it'll never have a chance to cross....", Sage didn't want to hear anymore, she suddenly felt weak with tiredness, she rose to her paws and wearily padded into her den, she collapsed onto the soft moss and pine-needle bedding and fell into a deep, troubled sleep.
Sounds quite a bit like the Warrior series. They have names in the same form (two words combined), a ThunderClan and a ShadowClan.

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