My turkey hen refuses to mate with our Tom?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 25, 2014
Hi- I have a female Royal Palm turkey...she was hatched last summer--July I believe. We got her with two other turkeys who both ended up being Toms. Towards the end of Summer---or into fall, I can't remember....the two Toms were snagged and killed by a fisher cat. Recently, about 3 weeks ago, a friend had to get rid of one of their Toms, (A family of weasels infiltrated his coop and took out 40 chickens in one night) we took him. We introduced him to the coop which currently houses him, the female turkey and three chickens who left the chicken coop we have next to this one and decided they liked living with the turkey better. Anyways, right before we got the new Tom, spring was just starting and whenever I would come into the coop, the hen would lie down next to me and stay there the entire time I was there. If I moved, she'd move just to lie down where'd I'd moved to. I did a little research and concluded it's possible that she imprinted on me as a poult and is now assuming that I will mate with her??? I didn't realize that although birds aren't always too smart, that they cannot tell the difference between species! Anyways, now we have a Tom and I thought her issue might get resolved. But, when I come in the coop now, she still lays down next to me....and the Tom comes over and tries to climb on her, but she gets "mad" and shakes him off then walks away. Then he appears to get "mad" as well, performing some rather funny dance and making weird noises.

Anyways long story not so short.....will she ever decide to let him mate with her? Is there anything I can do to help this along? I'm not sure if he is successful when I am not around---I am fairly certain he was successful once when I was leaving the pen....but mostly she escapes from under him before anything happens.
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I wouldn't worry to much. I had some hens do that as well this spring.

When the tom came up they would get up. Didnt think they would ever mate.

Now they have no problems. Getting lots of fertile eggs. And a few still lay for me when I go around the pens.
We have two Royal Palm Turkeys, a tom and a hen. We have a rooster and about 15 chicken hens as well. All free range. The rooster has no problem fertilizing the chicken hens. BUT the Turkey's don't copulate. The Tom just struts around the hen and she squats on the ground with her wings out, just waiting. I have never seen the Tom mount her and she seems to just be waiting for it.

They are about 10 months old. She layed a clutch of eggs in tall grass that took us a while to find. She was brooding on them and non of them were fertile. We disposed of those eggs and have been hoping to get a fertile batch. Anyone have experience with how to get a Tom motivated. The rooster is setting a good example with his harem.

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