My Turkey is still sick....


10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
Smithfield, PA
I posted previously about our 9-10 week old Turkey hen - who is sick..
I have treated her with a .5cc injection of Tylan50 for 4 days with little improvement...

This is the first time we've raised turkeys, new coop but their enclosed 40 x 40 run is ground where chickens free ranged previously. I contacted our local extension office, they would not say if there is or is not black head in our area, just that when chickens and turkeys are raised "together" there are several diseases that can develop. They helped me with the recomendation of treating her for a respiratory infection - tylan50

Last week we lost a 9 week old turkey hen - she was acting lethargic, wings hanging low, that night she was roosted on the lowest roost alone - i brought her in the house to the hospital cage first thing in the morning. She died 4 hours later.

Monday my favorite turkey hen "Uno" (first hatched tukey - spanish for #1) had her wings hanging, head retracted to her shoulders and wouldn't run to me, i promptly brought her in the house... that afternoon i began the tylan 50.
She did have clear nasal discharge, which has cleared up. She has been eating/drinking all week, but it did increase yesterday. She is really "dirty" looking since she isn't preening. (scrambled eggs, turkey starter feed, water, and lots of Raw Milk Organic Kefir)
I take her out of the cage 3x a day - she will walk from the bedroom to the kitchen - directly to her placemat and gets excited for the kefir i give her, drinks about 1/2 cup a day. This morning she was dancing around my feet when I was making her scrambled egg.. ate it all! but otherwise no change.

I take her outside - she drops her wings, doesn't have good balance but eats lots of grass. and she is pooping yellow runny with green chunks. I would assume if this was black head she would have died by now... so I'm thinking it may be something else...

I think I will try Corid for a few days...... I did order Fish Zole to add to my "first aid kit" but again I'm not sure what's wrong.
the closest avian vet is 1 1/2 hours away

I am very attached to her - we spend time together on the couch watching tv - while she stretches out and sleeps - I just love her little "Beep-Beeps"
We incubated the eggs here and raised them in the house for the first 4 weeks, she hatched 24 hours before anyone else and we spent lots of time cuddling

She was supposed to be a bourbon red, but is more grey - when I asked the breeder - he said that it seems that a wild turkey male mated with the bourbon red females.

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.
up the tylan dosage. It should be 1cc for every 10lbs of weight. I do mine twice a day for about 5 days and it works wonders. start her on ACV apple cider vinegar (with wort) and yogurt to help replenish the bacteria in her gut.
Uno only weighs 2.7lbs - giving her a .5cc dosage of tylan50 I though was a high dose to begin with for her weight...
She hasn't eaten this morning - doesn't want her scrambled egg, just took a little kefir.
Maybe but i went to drugs .com and both tylan 50 and 200 are for swine and cattle only.

You sure it works for chickens?
yes - do a search for Tylan on here and you'll find all kinds of information.
Tylan50 is 1cc per 10lbs of body weight injection into the breast.
jasonm11 - I also have ACV in all my birds water and give Kefir (raw, organic, that I culture at home - I've read its a little better than yogurt for good gut bacterias)
I hope youre bird responds, It is hard to sit by and watch them go downhill. It sounds like you are doing everything you can. i lost one yesterday that was three months old with no apparent reason. He had broke his leg last month and we set it and splinted. he was doing fine yesterday am and dead in the evening. All his brothers and sisters are doing well, go figure.

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