My turkeys will not leave me alone!!


9 Years
Jun 29, 2010
Chatham County, NC
Our turkeys are CONSTANTLY following us around barking and chatting at us, want to be right up underneath our feet (I feel like I'm tripping over them), curiously peck all over us and hop in our laps anytime we are sitting down outside, crowd us and are all up in our faces when we are trying to pay attention and give treats to the rest of the birds (chickens). They have even come into our house without us knowing and we had to shoo them out. If they hear us anywhere outside, boom- they are running over to us in seconds. I'm sad for our chickens because they are sort of afraid to get too close to us when the turkeys are around (they want the treats so bad but the turkeys hog them!) It is sweet and endearing for a while but geez we need a break!

I had no idea that the turkeys would be like this, as we've only ever raised chickens before, who pretty much like to be on their own and could care less about us unless we have treats. We have 3 Bourbon Reds (we lost the fourth) that we raised from tiny poults and I think we have 2 females and 1 male, but not positive. Sometimes we have some of the older hens (chickens) that have tried or still pick on the turkeys (when treats/food are involved) and the turkeys have been ganging up and bullying the mean hen and going after her at times. They've also done this with our smaller pullets and cockerels. Usually my rooster steps in and then they back off, but it won't be long until they will dominate him too once they are larger. They are almost 14 weeks old. Just needed to vent and see if anyone else has experience this!!
Yes they are in the OMG MUST INVESTIGATE EVERYTHING phase. Once they mature they will most likely become more standoff - mine will approach but stay a few feet back. Don't reward the lap behavior unless you want a 30+ lb tom trying to sit on you.
lau.gif's the age. Our poults do the same thing. The chattiest of all of them even flew up and landed on my husband's shoulder the other day and then just sat there like it was the most normal thing in the world for a turkey to use a human for a perch. Our children love it. I can see how it might be annoying though... we don't have chickens, so they get all the attention at our house!
Haha! Well, it's good to know this is just a phase and perhaps they will grow out of it somewhat. It's fine some of the time, but it gets annoying after a while especially when I'm trying to spend time with the chickens and handle them. It's pretty crazy how comfortable they are around us!
We have the same problem, except for the lap sitting. Our female turkey is kind of aggressive at one of our silver laced chickens, it's a mutual dislike. I try to keep them away from each other, but they are free range. We give our snacks when the turkeys are elsewhere because they crowd the chickens out as well. Our turkeys are 21 weeks old! Our one year old baby likes to feed the animals their snacks and we had to quit having him do it because they turkeys try to peck it out of his hands, which scares him. If you find a way to resolve, please share!

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