My Visitor


5 Years
Mar 31, 2014
La Center WA
This guy was cleaning up a few pellets of feed I dropped this morning when feeding the pheasants. He let me take a few pictures before flying to another tree in my yard. He sat and watched me type this all out. I bet hes waiting for me to go inside so he can finish cleaning up.


I'm reasonably certain he is a Valley Quail, if I am wrong, please correct me.
That is awesome how people have wild quail coming to them, I just hope none come over to visit my quail, they will be dinner to my cats in no time lol.
Well, now I feel like a dunce. I thought the females were plain and missing the crest. My bad. Maybe she liked the red golden's dance. His girls do their best not to be impressed.

As to cats, mine are proficient hunters and I doubt they'll get within 20 feet of this quail.o
Well, now I feel like a dunce. I thought the females were plain and missing the crest. My bad. Maybe she liked the red golden's dance. His girls do their best not to be impressed.

As to cats, mine are proficient hunters and I doubt they'll get within 20 feet of this quail.o
The females are plain compared to the male. If you think she's good looking, wait until you see the male. Females do have the crest, but it's smaller compared to the male's.
I almost bought an assortment of quail eggs on ebay that included valley quail. Now I might have to. I think the this one is single and once she realizes the pheasant is the wrong kind of bird I think she will leave. If I am really lucky maybe she will find a mate nearby and continue to visit and clean up after feeding time.

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