My Wife is Finally Getting with the Program!

Why can't I say pi*sed?

Oh, I am using it in a different format, so I guess it automatically changed it. Way cool! But ticked and moan just didn't work, and I THINK this usage MIGHT be okay? Wonder what happens if I use darn? I'll edit if it doesn't do it for me.
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You know who smells? Children, and sometimes dogs. But they can go fartin and pooping everywhere and thats ok. Can you tell I've changed a few diapers. At least chickens don't have sinus burning gas. And they give you eggs. And they are amusing to watch. When they run it looks like they have no arms but should. (No offense to anyone missing arms). ANd the way they tip there heads to the side when you talk to them like they are really listening is great.
If you design your coop to be easy to clean, do periodic maintenance, and don't overcrowd, it shouldn't smell.
We bed our coops with good-smelling pine shavings (replaced every 2-5 months), use a kitty litter scoop to clear poops out of nests and off the shelf below the main perch every week or two (and add fresh shavings as needed). Our chickens smell good when you hold them and the coops generally smell good, too.
Enjoy your new chicken friends!
The funniest thing about that first post is that you wife IM'ed you from the living room. I ROFL on that one...too too funny.
Its interesting how modern, "Metro People" consider chickens a taboo thing, somethign to be shunned - yet everyone has a chicken story.

Fowl, especially chickens, have been a part of human culture now for at least 2 milennia. Research indicates the first domesticated chickens go back 3,000 years to India. Interestingly, they were first raised for sport and not for food.

There was a time in this country when everyone had a few chickens, and/or knew someone who did. They have always been a source of both meat and eggs and the first explorers carried them along on their sea voyages. The Chinese named a calender cycle after them.
They have often represented affluence and wealth. Ancient Egyptians made a running business out of incubation and the men who performed this job were highly respected in their communities. They still are, doing it the same way they did thousands of years ago.
I know more than a few people around here who make a fine and respected living with chickens. Remember this?...

"A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" – Herbert Hoover

Talk about your symbolism!

The point is that we have more than just a fascination with chickens. It extends well beyond that into something of an innate cultural bond. The chicken is universal in it's appeal, and is our blood, so to speak.
Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. I do believe that there will be a day when all the nay-sayers are jealous and I get to say, "I told you so!"
Once you show up with a box of those cute little fuzz butts, she will forget she ever had an objection!!! Yeah, like Annie said..just go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing I heard a lot when I told people I was getting chickens: "They're cannibals! They peck each other to death!"

Well, it hasn't happened in my flock yet.

They smell way less than a house full of cats, that's for sure, but that doesn't stop people from having cats.

My husband was very skeptical when I started, but now he loves being the one to call them in each evening and give them their snack. Once during the winter when I was getting frustrated with various coop problems and I said I was thinking of selling them (I wasn't really, was just grumpy) he said, No!!! You can't!!!!

Most people act totally shocked when I tell them I am starting to raise chickens and ask "why?" So I tell them why. My one friends caught the chicken bug and her and her DH are looking at coops! Two friends got excited for me and told me to tell them when they can start buying eggs.

My DH was not into it either, but my coop and run have had more things added to it which was his idea. Oh, and I caught him by the brooder the other day watching the little girls!

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