
I'm sorry about your experience.
When we needed another coop in a hurry and dh wasn't able to make one from scratch at that time...I ordered an unfinished playhouse kit from Cottage Kits. I told the owner that he should really consider making chicken coops. Smart man, because he listened and is making coops now. I highly recommend Cottage Kits--it was shipped quickly and they sent an instructional DVD and clear assembly instructions. You can order one fully assembled and painted if you wish, but an unfinished kit is shipped a lot quicker, plus you save more finishing it yourself.
I am so sorry for your troubles. There is nothing worse than having something was supposed to be fun, turn into a headache!

That being said, I am the shipping manager of a wholesale/retail furniture store and we could possible double our business if we would "drop ship" furniture all over the US but we refuse to do it! Nobody ever wins......The average person is not aware that the driver of a common carrier (freight line) truck is responsible for getting the merchandise to the location & the only job he has is getting to the back of the truck. It is the customers responsibility to get it from the truck to the ground. Usually the trucking co will offer to take the shipment back & load it on a truck with a lift gate but then you are hit with the redelivery & lift gate fees! I do lay the blame on the Amish Co & the freight line because they know it is going to a residential address and they should have the common sense to prepare all parties involved.

Sorry again for all the troubles
Thank you for posting your story. I got a quote from them for their 5x8 coop and was ready to order, but a friend of ours said, Let's Build! He thought we could do it cheaper than the price they offered. We may go a bit over - but we got the look and size we wanted. Seems as though they did not handle the order as they should. Ordering coops is not something we do everyday and yet taking orders is their job. They should know better.
The Amish from where I came from do not have electricity and they would not be caught dead with a computer, much less build a web site. Also, just because some dealer calls his product Amish does not necessarily mean an Amish person was anywhere near it during its construction. The Amish are a hard-working, honest, God-fearing people and it is too bad some companies take advantage of the Amish reputation. Right now I have a package of chicken ready for the grill. It is labeled Amish Farms and put out by Gerber Corporation. Do you think it was raised on some peaceful Amish farm spending its short life close to nature's blessings? Ya, right!
Unfortunately I suspect there is no legal, binding definition of "Amish" in respect to manufactured goods. I could probably whip up stuff in the garage here at home and figure out a way to market it as "Amish" - who would know? It's a shame that people who try to live by their beliefs get exploited. On the other hand, as another poster has mentioned, to my knowledge no Amish person would be found anywhere involved with such a business, so it kinda goes without saying that if you're seeing something trumpeted as "WOW! It's AMISH!" then it probably really isn't.
Also have to agree with the poster who mentioned local construction - it's usually better to keep the money in your local community, and the control under your own supervision. I think you'd wind up with the same amount of time and money laid out, but with luck far less frustration.
x2! I have worked with conservative Mennonites who are even "fancier" than Amish and they didn't use phones, computers or electricity. I think someone is making some $ off the Amish name! Sorry about all the trouble, I hope your chickens aare happily in their new home soon!
If you used a credit card to purchase the coop and you are not satisfied with the quality, faulty product or additional charges were not disclosed up front then call your credit card company and file a dispute. You have rights under the law. You need to do this as soon as possible.
The credit card company will "freeze" the funds and the merchant will not have access to the funds until the dispute is satisfied. This can be done by your accepting a "settlement" from the merchant. That can be what ever the two of you negotiate. The credit card company can and will at some point if not settled make a decison.

Now what I've said above is the nut shell version as with any law it can get complicated but if you feel like you got the shaft it's an option.
I work too darn hard for my money and I darn well am going to get what I paid for.
Wow. That stinks. Hope you get to the bottom of it.
I bought mine last spring from an Amish company but had no problems at all. The coop was great but they were really on top of taking phone calls etc. If I remember correctly the even called to keep me updated on the delivery date and time.
Good Luck!

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