

Hi Dawg. I have followed your posts and I am curious about how it all worked out? Are you happy with the "Amish" Coop? Could you post photos? How about your chicken that was getting "hen-pecked"? I am very new and learning so much from this site..... I wonder if you can file a complaint against this company with their state Atty General?
Wish you well.... ~ally
I bought mine from them like 2-3 years ago, I was only 1 state over and had no problems at all, I bought the biggest one that looks like a shed, there was a receipt inside that was from the builder, it was built in "Bird in Hand" Pa, there are plenty of Amish over there,

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Boy am I glad we decided to build instead. I got what I wanted and needed for $350 and my time. I'd do it again too. It was fun and the chickens watched from their tractor. Did I mention I'm inept at construction?

Sorry you all had bad experiences. One company to avoid.
I know this thread is two months old, but I would be interested in hearing the OP's opinion of the coop itself now that time has passed.
And when my mother was looking at modular homes years ago I stopped by a place that advertised "Amish built." The man there told me that you could legally market that way if you had at least one Amish person on the staff...didn't specify whether they actually had to swing a hammer or not. Makes me wonder if that's part of the reason some have been unhappy with their coops.
I had very good results with an unsatisfactory product that I had ordered. It's from one of the 'sponsors' on this site. All I did was threaten (and it wasn't an empty threat) to post pictures of the product as received (the damages and poor workmanship) on THIS site -- and within a week I had a new tractor. 2 for the price of 1 made them more tolerable. They still aren't well built for the $$ that was spent - especially at full price. So now I have 2 tractors -- I do have to repair on them a lot .... hence I am in the process of building the real mccoy - a stationary coop I can stand in and snow won't be an issue any longer. I am so psyched. However, the tractors will come in handy when I have to isolate any birds.

So my recommendation is to find out where they advertise big and tell them you are going to alert the world to the product they are selling on those sites - do it nicely. And mean what you say. Some $$ back or another coop will be good... no? I think yes.... BTW, I didn't even tell them what I wanted to satisfy me. I thought asking for another one would be ignored. So I just told them why it was bad - sent them pictures and when we only got $100 back, and the thing was continuing to fall apart, I just sent more pictures and told them in good conscience, I couldn't let others be taken in by this product and I will have to post these pictures which would speak for themselves on THIS site and whala.... they sent me a new one in record time.

Hope this helps.
Avoid them like the plague! We had to get our credit card company after them, thank goodness we purchased our coop on our credit card. Debra is not above lying to stall delivery of their items(she told us her husband had a massive heart attack;delivery driver verified that was a lie). I truly feel sorry for the independent delivery people that take the brunt of the unhappy customers.
Make sure that you complain to whatever publisher you saw their advertisement in.
I wish I had read all of your reviews before I attempted to purchase a coop from these sheisters!! My Amish Goods took my payment on February 18th, immediately upon submission of my CC info, however they stalled, and stalled, and stalled some more, until I lost all patience. Debra did not return my phone messages or emails for over 2 months!! When I finally sent her an email that said I was done and wanted my money back (I made it clear that I would have my CC company reverse the charges, and I would file complaints with the BBB and PA AG's office, and gave a compliance date for them to meet) Debra didn't even reply for 4 more days! In her reply, she tried to tell me that there was a hold-up with the order, which was an unfinished kit, because it was a "special order". The "special order" I made was "yes, I would like this particular kit that you advertise, unfinished and unstained, please". Needless to say, they did not meet my guidelines for returning my money, and I did have to get my CC company to reverse the funds. I have submitted a complaint to the BBB and the PA AG's office, and have seriously considered filing charges for larceny since they were unwilling to return my money when I asked nicely. I was very, very patient with them, and they disappointed me at every possible juncture along the way. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM THIS COMPANY--YOU WILL BE DISAPPOINTED!!

I have priced good quality lumber and hardware fabric, and will most likely build my own stationary coop in the next week or so, for about 1/3 the cost of a coop kit half the size of what I'll have. If you're handy at all, build your own--this way you know what went into it, and where any weak spots may be. Don't allow yourself to be surprised by inept craftsmanship, and don't allow your flock to be compromised!!
I haven't dealt with this company but I did have issues with another company that advertises heavily on this web site. All it took for satisfaction was my telling them they felt me no choice but to warn others by posting my dissatisfaction on this site. They stepped up then .... at the mention of

Sorry for your troubles but yes you should let others know so they can make informed decisions.

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